done :D
cool - decent draft there... I suspect Klaus or someone else will come around and pretty it up a bit ;)... Sounds a tad 'promotional' of virtual tuning too, but a good start :)
Someone mentioned DAP earlier. He's a legend for sure. And AMV too! Add Pete Smith in there too.

I'm for naming the old school people as the legends. Naj and Jakusa (although being skilled with their own style) they are new school compared to the ones I for example mentioned in this and in my previous post.
imo there is no need to put top 10 exactly . someone should put best choppers which are more than 10 for sure
merccopy.png ,
jackdarton wrote:
I wouldn't mind writing up a history section if you guys don't mind. Not like i've been around since the beginning, but everyone knows where chopping first came from :P AND i was a member of digimods since 2004 which is kinda when chopping went mainstream. Then edit as applicable etc.

2004? no way, i was there like 1/2 years before you, and i havent been chopping for 8 years...
Post edited February 12, 2010 at 03:23:13 AM by jackparrish
2004 - 2010 is 6 years not 8 :P

i know it was around before then buddy, but when it really went mainstream i mean. As in other websites started sprouting up.
jackdarton wrote:
2004 - 2010 is 6 years not 8 :P

i know it was around before then buddy, but when it really went mainstream i mean. As in other websites started sprouting up.

nooo haha, if i was there like 2 years before you, thats 2002, thats 8 years ;o
Rich is a '99 too.
shadow, about top 10, the point of limiting it is so that the list doesn't eventually grow to include like 100 people, keeping it short, snappy and relevant ;)
jackparrish wrote:
2004? no way, i was there like 1/2 years before you, and i havent been chopping for 8 years...

you told me it was 5 :doh:,so glac started a year or 2 before you
lmfao you've finished 4/5 chops in 8 years, that is so uber fail :P
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