10p to Czech 1: Damn great graphics! The car body styling is amazing and the execution is pretty much flawless as well so it's clear this takes the top points from this division.
9p to Poland 1: Bad-ass! I love the opened hood. The only crit is that the hood's paint doesn't match the rest of the car. I lacks gloss and reflections.
8p to Brazil 3: It has lost some of the Jaguar due to modifying the side this much but but luckily it doesn't look bad at all! Very nice styling. Great work with the bg and the smoke effects.
7p to Romania 3
6p to Czech 2
5p to Brazil 2
4p to Palestine 1
9p to Poland 1: Bad-ass! I love the opened hood. The only crit is that the hood's paint doesn't match the rest of the car. I lacks gloss and reflections.
8p to Brazil 3: It has lost some of the Jaguar due to modifying the side this much but but luckily it doesn't look bad at all! Very nice styling. Great work with the bg and the smoke effects.
7p to Romania 3
6p to Czech 2
5p to Brazil 2
4p to Palestine 1