walla wrote:
So, I suppose there's nothing coming from the admins any more. Too bad. Thought this entire discussion could bring at least some kind of progress.
But it looks like a change is simply not wanted, as long as 15 comments per thread look just better than 5, even if the summed up amount of words is significantly lower.

Wait till MK211 is back, and discuss it with him. He will take this seriously
walla wrote:
So, I suppose there's nothing coming from the admins any more. Too bad. Thought this entire discussion could bring at least some kind of progress.
But it looks like a change is simply not wanted, as long as 15 comments per thread look just better than 5, even if the summed up amount of words is significantly lower.

I'd already offered my opinion in here Walla but as Sven said, ultimately mark has the final say. Things won't just change overnight.
I do have to agree with some of the points here.
The quality of most of the comments on chops is rubbish, and not really what makes you strive forward and go for another chop.
Then again, improving and continuing chopping should be a natural thing for a really passionate chopper, so chopping for comments and only here is not imo the right reason.

Only thing i can say, is please, put some thought into your posts. Its not the count of the comments that counts, its the quality. +1 and cool chop, bro, is useless. If you notice flaws, point them out, but on the other hand do not forget pointing out what you like about the chop.
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