OK guys, I apologize for the lack of answer thus far in this thread. It would seem each admin has been under the impression that another admin has been looking here and answering questions. I'll answer as many as I can, and as fully as I can:

For the voting - if you can bother to vote in one division, then it wouldn't be too difficult to vote in the other one too. At this stage of the competition, there's 2 divisions at the most which isn't a lot. I'm not too sure if it's required as I didn't write the rules for this, but just to play it safe and also to be a good team player, please do vote in each division. People who have entered deserve a vote after the work they've put into these awesome chops.

I'll re-iterate what's been said before about the results/next round taking longer than expected:
By sheer bad luck, each of us are going through pretty busy times of our own at the minute, and we have our outside lives to lead. Bjoern is halfway across Europe, Mark is handling a LOT of things which i won't go into, Glacius is in a different country, I'm in the process of sorting out a new house with the missus, and Nicklas - he mentioned something which i can't recall off the top of my head whilst typing this. It's taking a lot of effort on everybodies part to make this work for you guys - The WTB was rushed slightly this year to get it started due to popular demand, meaning a system couldn't be built in time to handle the voting etc etc, which would have made primarily Mark and Bjoerns jobs a lot easier. Just be patient and bear with us, we'll get the results out to you and round 4 started as soon as it's humanly possible for us to do so.

Round 4 will start as usual soon after the results from round 3 are up, refer to above.

As for the holidays question - I have no idea what is being planned for that. I would assume it will go ahead as normal as everybody who entered the WTB was well aware of the circumstances before doing so but like I said, i'm not too sure on that one.

People say they've counted the votes quickly and can't understand why they're not announced yet - but i guarantee you didnt check to see who had 25 posts who voted, didn't cross check IP addresses to make sure nobody had signed up just to vote, didn't check country of origin, didn't check the date they signed up to autemo, didn't check voter's posts to see if they spammed to reach the prerequisite 25 posts. It takes a lot of work, like i said just be patient and we'll get it sorted and revealed.

On a lighter note - we have a nice twist for the final round, but that's all you're getting out of me :P
jackdarton wrote:
On a lighter note - we have a nice twist for the final round, but that's all you're getting out of me :P

lol... looks like we'll be missing out on the twist xD
puszka321 wrote:
please video xD
MK211 wrote:
I really like the nos coming out of the rims
If you are too busy...
Need you assistance for conting the votes ?
It's not a joke... Say us, will one be able to help you ? :-d :-d

has share URL addresses, we can all check for you :D
after, you can verify it

see you soon !
Post edited July 02, 2010 at 02:43:49 AM by -xanforce-
WHEN ROUND 4???? :-q
rap wrote:
WHEN ROUND 4???? :-q

shush its hibernating, do not disturb it
rap wrote:
WHEN ROUND 4???? :-q

First, the third closed, then comes the fourth... We wait for the results of the third turning patiently. :-d I hope so there will be continuation.
I can't believe there's still no results. :/
They've been counted and were working out the overall Results. Bare with us and sorry for the wait.
I start getting tired of all... :/
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