Configure it yourself and get the best out of both configs.

Ditch the 2tb and get a cheaper motherboard as you wont overclock anyway.
But if you will game, make sure they don't come with the boxed coolers, thats just asking for stupid heat and noise :P

6850 > gtx550
I'd prefer the i7 too. edit the 1st config to get a better gfx card :P
Motherboard, well its important to have one from a good brand, but gaming versions of motherboards are useless and cost more than normal ones for no good reason.
It doesn't affect the performance a lot.
Post edited August 24, 2011 at 11:12:23 PM by Brian
Brian wrote: edit the 1st config to get a better gfx card :P
Motherboard, well its important to have one from a good brand, but gaming versions of motherboards are useless and cost more than normal ones for no good reason.
It doesn't affect the performance.

So some cheap motherboards could work almost the same with those expensive ones right? i am so new to computer so i don't really know which motherboard is good.
Start googling + reading then :P
Btw make sure you get the i72600K <<<NOTICE THE K. So you can raise the multiplier n shit.
Stop talking about gaming pcs. I want one :(

Looking forward to BF3 and Forza 4. eeeee!!
I like you.
FM4 is at the top of my wanted list by a country mile. Followed by BF3 of course. Screw MW3
Finally got my copy og GT5 yesterday but it's impossible to play it! I'm using the controller.

Right stick up & down for throttle and brake!? AND here's the most annoying thing: the game sure lets you decide what button to use for what action but changing throttle to R2 for example doesn't work in the game at all! Look back on R2 does work,...

I tried driving with the default setting with the stupid right stick being throttle and brake. But then, switching gears from any of the other buttons is impossible to do accurately. Just one press of a button switches it from 1st to 5th gear!

I wouldn't want to label this a shit game already but it sure doesn't feel good so far.

Anyone heard about these kind of glitches before and would know how to get it fixed?
Post edited September 10, 2011 at 05:46:07 PM by ollite20
I'm using R2 for throttle...
Post edited September 10, 2011 at 06:35:19 PM by Brian
I've always used the "original" controls of Gran Turismo which are ( □ ) for brake and ( x ) for accelerate, with ( o ) for handbrake and ( Δ ) for reverse. I guess it's because I played the original Gran Turismo games like that and never changed when they brought in the analog sticks. I use the left stick for directing the car around and not the arrow buttons.

In my opinion that's the best way to do it if your using a controller.

I use a wheel most of the time though XD
puszka321 wrote:
please video xD
MK211 wrote:
I really like the nos coming out of the rims
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