marchalj wrote:
hemmm... why the chop submited to late aren't discalified?

the rules are the rules... <_<

I'm sorry for the team concerned, but we have making our possible for submit our chop in time in spite of our messed up timetable, and that's not it is not normal for the TEAM which have submit in times...

at school, an homework given to late, is a zéro... not a penalty of 10%...


I am sorry for this, but I expose my point of view;)

(and sorry for my bad english)

We understand where you're coming from marchalj, but by the same token you have to realise that whereas your homework is vital to your education, this is a friendly competition where the artists put in hours upon hours of work. We're not prepared to DQ teams for a couple of minutes either way.
the next time, don't say "zero% tolerance" !!! :-q :-q

here is 90% tolerance!
10% penalty... and why not 5 dollars penalty... :D :D
you know very well that will not change anything with the result for this team :( :(

i'm just so sorry for all the team the are submited in time and who are eliminated to the next round.
It's not correct for them !

We can just voted with our convictions...
Sorry for the team there are submitted too late ! :/
yes jack i'v understand ;)

I just do not find that for the teams which made their possible to return has time;)… the rules are similar for all and the deadline too...

I do not want to cause arguments, it is not the goal… but the indicated rules has beginning should remain

Don't worry about causing an argument, we like that you question things. We specified that there would be zero tolerance for ridiculously late entries, such as in the first round. In this one, where they were literally a couple of minutes late, which could have been due to anything from a slow browser, to Autemo bottlenecking with all the traffic, was acceptable yet we still incurred 10% penalties to them for not having the common sense to submit earlier. Any that WERE submitted stupidly late ie: over 1 hour were disqualified. Don't forget guys, the voting is completely in your hands, only YOU decide who progresses to the next round. If people don't think the late entries should be in the next round, then they won't vote for them to be there. We're just giving them the opportunity to progress with a piece of art that their team has spent days and days on.
At first I was also upset about this matter, but I think Autemo has taken some good decisions regarding the matter. We in Team Sweden have however decided to give all late entries the lowest scores when voting.

This is not personal against anyone, but we just think the competition should be fair for everyone, and since late entries did not techniqually follow the rules it is a bit unfair for them to be part of the competition.

in this condition ok ;) ...
im the same as algeroth, im voting on the teams that were on time, then the late entries get voted last
How many teams qualify from each round two division? I can't seem to find that anywhere,...
I think 6 like in round 1
Are we fine to post our entries in the forums now?
puszka321 wrote:
please video xD
MK211 wrote:
I really like the nos coming out of the rims
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