Clark Kent wrote:
lfs it's awesome. with a steering wheel and a bmw mod you can have fun drifting . it's a cool game

nah, that's it the point of fun.... :D
i'm playingnow Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 and it's awesome. who can help me to [Mod edit: Lets not discuss stuff like that here] able to play multiplayer... i tried many solutions with no result... :(
Post edited January 09, 2011 at 08:52:30 AM by X-Raited Gay Porn
Does anyone know the NHL11 game third jerseys code? (PS3)

Were invited to EA's website, but I found there as an old that did not work .. Browsed through the forums, including the other has the same problem and at some point someone said that it has not even been published :(..
Why don't people buy LFS and similar games? I get it when people torrent games from huge developers, but to crack a game from 3 developers is a bit sad really, as this means less money which again means that the updates (I'm thinking about S3 here) will be slower/non-existant.

Just my 2 cents.
i bought rfactor and dont support cracking ;)

high five ! ?
NFS Shift 2 Anyone?
Probably I will buy it. :)
if they improve the physics of the new SHIFT i will probly buy it too
Old Hondas never die, they just get faster!
it sure looks nice and has interesting new racing car classes, but im not sure if i will buy it :)
there is more interesting games for me coming :rfactor 2, wrc 2011 and dirt3 just from racing games ;)

then also new tomb raider ? and possibly silent hill :)

im very interested about those two aswell, but i havent heard more than rumours of them
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