for 1.
if that votes not cunting, then will not be many points, so that is bad, in first post wroted how to vote,if someone not read that is his problem. so i dont agree with that for disqualifi that votes
for 2.
that rule not exist 'cose who expected someones mistake, rules r woten before counting
We now have the 'Autemo Time' down the bottom of the main forum page. You can use it to make sure you get your comp entries in on time from now on!
For this second Round...
Only 35 teams on 48 gave their entry, it's really so sad :(
The Active Design team, the Murillo team are out !! tedious all that... :(

only one division with 12 entry... the "dead" division 2 :D
and in the division4, only six team, thus everybody are qualified in this division...
that's the good news for them :D :D
how many round?
I think 4
I must congratulate all teams with great chops one more time. I very proud of you guys :)
I don't get why voting threads aren't up yet <_< . If Mark can't start them, then maybe someone else from the staff can manage this situation. It takes too much time, guys and waiting is kinda killing me softly.
Hmm yes I could agree. I'm making some competition in my forum ofc there is not such many chops. But it take me 10 minutes to check all chops and do voting threat.
But I know that Mark hasn't much time now :-) So I'm patient ;-)
Supra in progress: http://www.autemo.com/forums/?t=11048
Mark's really tied up with other things at the minute, so Autemo won't be his number 1 priority, and if we have more than one member of staff working on the voting, then you get crossed wires and things will be mis-counted/wrong results. Mark knows exactly how to handle the voting, so just chill out while he does. We love how eager you are for the voting, and so are we! but just be eager in silence :P complaining won't bring the voting up any faster.
hemmm... why the chop submited to late aren't discalified?

the rules are the rules... <_<

I'm sorry for the team concerned, but we have making our possible for submit our chop in time in spite of our messed up timetable, and that's not it is not normal for the TEAM which have submit in times...

at school, an homework given to late, is a zéro... not a penalty of 10%...


I am sorry for this, but I expose my point of view;)

(and sorry for my bad english)
Post edited April 15, 2010 at 08:09:36 PM by marchalj
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