So it's all of you haters who killed the electric car!

It's the oil companies filling consumer's head with shit about the downfalls and drawbacks of alternative 'non fossil-fuel' cars. They tell us that they're actually not any better that combustion vehicles etc because it'd put them out of business. A trillion dollar oil business that is.

I like James May's quote in J_HUI's video, "Most important car, since the car was invented". I think he could be right. Perhaps not THAT specific car, but the electric car that does make it and becomes popular will be super important. The truth is give it time, 10 years, 20 years, 50 years... whatever the timescale - alternate powered clean vehicles will became the mainstream. I don't mean that like it's bad, it's just evolution. It's human nature to better itself, change and progress (if we're not killing ourselves).

Petrol cars will still be around for a good while tho, but do saviour the time while it lasts. I reckon this change will happen in our lifetimes, and I think this future looks pretty exciting. Think of the cars in iRobot (Audi RSQ) - I mean who wouldn't want an Audi R8 looking electric car that travels insanely fast and parks itself!
Not much of an evo fan but still a very sad thing. And in my opinion forget electric GO DIESEL ! So many more advantages to diesel over eletric and gas.
Excuse my English I'm dyslexic ;)
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