this will be sweet dm help kick the scene off hopefully this will re-ignite it!
Sainity is the playground for the unimaginative

I can tell you all right now I knew everything about Photoshop 7,0 before i even touched cars ;) nolage is key you know Photoshop and how everything works THEN focus on cars thats how i learned and look how i got on :D

Nice job Jack im looking forward to this ;)

well put!

jacks previous tuts have been more geared to photoshop skills rather than actuall car stuff so i think this will help alot of people. my first brush was a box for a school piece! gradually built up my skills before i got into chopping

NOWHERE near as goood as glacius..........yet :P

but its helped my knowledge :-d
Sainity is the playground for the unimaginative

i was thinking last week when my chop is done i wanted to make a basic brush tutorial

and focus on scratch brushing and how you can make it come alive and realistic with the use of only shading and highliting

could help beginners and would be fun to make :-d
rich wrote:
i was thinking last week when my chop is done i wanted to make a basic brush tutorial

and focus on scratch brushing and how you can make it come alive and realistic with the use of only shading and highliting

could help beginners and would be fun to make :-d

You could do that in the Tutorial section Rich; I'd definitely have a look at it.
I think this is a great idea! It'll definitely help me a lot!
Just a suggestion, how about adding "glowing brakes" to the tutorials? Like if the brakes were to be so hot they start glowing.
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