This is by far the sickest chop of all time. Realism, styling & execution wise. The one thing I like here is you'd be lucky to see this sort of detail in a Team Chop; however you managed to get further than this on your OWN.. Which in life is a major leap. If I was in your shoes my cheesy grin and smile would be breaking every mirror I look in. Every chop you have produced this past while, years I have clicked the topic right away as I know the amount of detail you include in your work is beyond possible; this really is astonishing breath-taking work.

I just love how realistic the paint is and the reflection work is ammaculate all around. Your one of the most realistic brushers here like some other members have mentioned. As for the style of the chop, you did it proper jap.. There's not one part I don't like. The interiro colour combination with the cream and blue is just simply epic... You sure know how to style a lovely S2000.

I have looked this chop up and down and as of now I cant see High Res for some reason (I'd like if you could PM me it so I can set as my desktop); and I really cannot find any flaws. If I could find the flaws like one or two that the fuzl already mentioned, I'd still blank them as not EVERY chop can be perfect and if you get it perfect it's nearly impossible to do so.

If you were to post this on a Honda S2000's owner club or any Jap Owners Forums you would literally inspire thousands of people around the world. If I was as a good as chopper as you, I wouldn't completely give up. You have a gift and a great talent, it's like when your born your always going to be the best of something, and well right here in this topic you have proved this great achievement. Like you say you took over a year to finish this chop, but in my honest opinion the wait was worth it. Even if you were to chop in your own time, don't rush things and do it because you enjoy chopping.. You'd have the whole chopping industry setting count-down timers until the next time you post a chop. That's how good you are and that's how good this chop is. I really don't know when to shut up and I'm sorry if I'm going pn, but I must tell you whats on my mind as you may not realise.

As for you not being well, I am sorry to hear you were sick. None of us were aware of this situation but hopefully it's all cleared up now and you're feeling even better. Good luck with what decision you make and thanks for being a great member here at Autemo. You will be remembered as the;

S2k Legend on my behalf anyways. Cya around Sven and good luck :-d
Awesome.. I don't know what to say..
Meh just saw it now :(
Great to see you have finished it and congrats on another HOF, well deserved.
Chop is insanely detailed, great job!

Would like to see you keep chopping but I understand its quite time consuming and even I have stopped for quite a while :P
Post edited November 06, 2010 at 07:04:47 AM by Brian
This is sick,AWESOME!!! :-d :D
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Fuck man, I know how's that about parents, mine got divorsed few years ago. :(

Otherwise, awesome looking chop, gives a lot of inspiration :-d
Wow that sure is something. Immaculate quality, the details in the reflections and in the paint in general are outstanding!

HoF well deserved!
Last describe it, really color and reflections on the very successful and leading gelenlerdensin. Colors, shadows and reflections on the vehicle, especially by providing a good setting works great and serving sightly. I congratulate you for this beautiful presentation. :-d
Thanks for all the sweet comments and for putting me in HoF once again :D

Great comment BCS, got me almost sentimental! These comments makes me happy and this might make me reconsider my decision ;)
Insane work !! I think this result deserve all the hard work !
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