so why has this thread became praise member ??? thread ?
Dang, sounded fun until you have to be pro-tuners :-q
Zero wrote:
mmellquist wrote:
i can absolutely recomend Icandi...if you go to my site, you can see my work, that he learned me in just a couple of hours:)

jack will know exact;y what icandi is like anyway ;)

what did you mean by that?
iCandi wrote:
Zero wrote:
mmellquist wrote:
i can absolutely recomend Icandi...if you go to my site, you can see my work, that he learned me in just a couple of hours:)

jack will know exact;y what icandi is like anyway ;)

what did you mean by that?

that you eat children..
iCandi wrote:
Zero wrote:
jack will know exact;y what icandi is like anyway ;)

what did you mean by that?

well jack helped you alot when you were starting us so he knows you and your chops

RockyOc wrote:
Dang, sounded fun until you have to be pro-tuners :-q

i agree, i know 1 or 2 inter choppers who know and have more experience then 1 or 2 pro tuner choppers
like you for instance rock :mrteeth:
actually considering putting you on the tutor team ryan, we shall see.

i agree, i know 1 or 2 inter choppers who know and have more experience then 1 or 2 pro tuner choppers
like you for instance rock :mrteeth:[/quote]

N'awh fanks bbz xD

@ JD : EPIC xD
Zero wrote:
Sarge wrote:
YAY! I BAGS iCandi! =O

pfft ive known you since you started and i would say your inter :P
so you dont need much help
Thanks Zero! :D
The idea is good, but having people on the Team; you need to have the right dedication, patience and time. It's easy for you to say "Yes I'll do it" but when it comes to finding the time around your social life and getting it done is another story. It is ALOT of hard work, nordic man will tell you the same. Back a long time ago, maybe a few years when I worked on a New Choppers Control Team it was extremely hard work.. and at this present time I didn't have a job and I still found it hard to help people.

You also don't just want on the Team to have the power to say "Yes I'm on Autemo Team" you do it because you geniunley want to help people. My moto in life is always to help everyone before myself... and step that extra further to help one's needs. In my honest opinion, I would rather help people and teach them my skills then ever chop again... and get more people into the chopping stages. That would be a greater achievement for me in life. But hey that's just me and an example of what you need to give here at Autemo if you genuinely want to help... things will get tough and you need to be consistant at your role.

People talking on here about; "Some Intermediates are better than Pro Tuners" etc is uncalled for. If you have been here long enough from the beginning and watched certain photoshoppers develop their skills, progress or lose skills they have obtained then you'll know that the comment you have given is un-necessary. A lot of choppers here today that belong in certain sections, rather they chop often enough or loads keep their rank. Sometimes when I chop, or don't chop in a long time, you lose the feeling of what you previously done before.

IMHO, it doesn't really matter based on what skill you have (obviously below New Choppers) as long as you can vouch for the persons skill (i.e. what section they belong in), you can offer detailed text and picture information if required, dedicate more time to help other than chopping your own car.

For example; Closed 24/7 is extremely helpful. He's not yet Pro Tuner, but he can vouch an honest opinion as to who would fit in advanced. He's personality; he's very pleasant and ALWAYS online simply because he enjoys this site, not as an personal interest, but a dedication to be helpful. Their are plenty of others I would mention, but then if I don't mention you the bitching will start.

No arguing in here between yourselves as to who you think should or not be on the Team. If you have an opinion, please PM a member of Staff. :)
If you think you belong in the team helping other members based on what's been said in here then send me a pm explaining why, and we'll let you know what happens. Also, keep an eye out this weekend for some wicked updates to Autemo.
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