Sad to hear you're done but let me tell've been an inspiration to us all! In mastering the art form and having just utter most creativity! We will miss seeing your work and all but i wish you the best and its been an honor chopping on the same sites with you for a few years! :)

92% of the teenage population has moved on to rap. if you are part of the 8% that stayed with rock, put this in your profile
It was thanks to your brother Julian i started chopping. you taught him some techniques and he taught them to me. Sadly he didn't continue chopping but i did. You've been an inspiration to so many people its sad to see you leave.

Remember the old days when you had your own page in Vmax. We used to stop on narvesen to check out your most recent work.

Anyway, wish you best of luck with everything.
You're an honost all-time legend in this chopping business, so it's only fitting you deserve a decent heartfelt write-up! Well first and foremost, I just wanted to say a big thank you to you, Christer. It's you that should be being thanked and not the other way around! You've been a great friend and chopper that's given so much back to this artform you've helped shape along the way. You've given so much not just to Autemo, PCW/PSU, DM, DA, PSC, PCJ, PCN, MM (and the list goes on..) and to all the members along the way so much its unbelievable. Thankyou for all that you've given to the global chopping communities and chopping artform as a whole.

Glac, You are one of the choppers that have given so much to this artform more than anyone else. And that is truely remarkable to me. Many talented advanced and higher guys out there have come and gone but you've been up there with the best, and as the best, since the beginning. You were one of the founding fathers of this sport, and the journey certainly wouldn't have been the same, nor as fun, without you! I wish you all the best my friend, and I hope you do come by and visit every so often.

I know you'll stick around doing art, 3D etc and I know you'll be doing well at it, creativity it's one of those things that is in the blood. And you sure have a heck of a lot of it flowing. For your love and attitude to this art, dedication and skill at chopping, you've been an inspiration to myself and honestly thousands of other people over the years.

I want to wish you all the best with you becoming a family man, it's great to have gotten to know you over the years, and to look up to you as a mentor and a friend and watch how much dedication, commitment and perfection you put into your work. You're also one of the most down to earth and humble guys around and jump at the chance to help out and with the other people around here in this artform. So with all those great qualities as a person, I, without a doubt absolutely know you'll make a great family man! Best wishes to you and your girl and the future that lies ahead!

Post edited August 02, 2010 at 10:31:42 AM by MK211
Sorry to hear you leave Glacius, but family and career plans are more important. Like a lot of people have mentioned, you've helped all around the chopping communities and inspired every new to best chopper all around the World. One of the very first choppers, and even though you are retiring, in future life it would be cool to see one every now and then :)

But to me, when I was younger when I first started, seeing your chops on DM inspired me to keep going. I used to save all your chops to my computer and take it in turns which one is going to be my "Desktop background". You've also helped me in the past with issues I had on my chops and treid your best to help me overcome the solutions, and you suceeded.

You've stuck around here at Autemo since the beginning and you've made this become a very strong community, making new friends and helping others with comments and critism towards their chops. Well done!

But now you've grown up Glacius, and got a girlfriend and a family to start and enjoy along beside your career; the one you kept chopping for and it's all paid off. I hope you enjoy your good times with them and stick around on Autemo when you can. Maybe in years to come, your kids can start chopping and keep the "Glacius Spirt Alive" hehe.

I wish you all the best Chris with your future life, and if you have time sure I'll catch up with you on messenger and see how you're doing. Good luck :-d
MK211 wrote:
You're an honost all-time legend in this chopping business, so it's only fitting you deserve a decent heartfelt write-up! Well first and foremost, I just wanted to say a big thank you to you, Christer. It's you that should be being thanked and not the other way around! You've been a great friend and chopper that's given so much back to this artform you've helped shape along the way. You've given so much not just to Autemo, PCW/PSU, DM, DA, PSC, PCJ, PCN, MM (and the list goes on..) and to all the members along the way so much its unbelievable. Thankyou for all that you've given to the global chopping communities and chopping artform as a whole.

Glac, You are one of the choppers that have given so much to this artform more than anyone else. And that is truely remarkable to me. Many talented advanced and higher guys out there have come and gone but you've been up there with the best, and as the best, since the beginning. You were one of the founding fathers of this sport, and the journey certainly wouldn't have been the same, nor as fun, without you! I wish you all the best my friend, and I hope you do come by and visit every so often.

I know you'll stick around doing art, 3D etc and I know you'll be doing well at it, creativity it's one of those things that is in the blood. And you sure have a heck of a lot of it flowing. For your love and attitude to this art, dedication and skill at chopping, you've been an inspiration to myself and honestly thousands of other people over the years.

I want to wish you all the best with you becoming a family man, it's great to have gotten to know you over the years, and to look up to you as a mentor and a friend and watch how much dedication, commitment and perfection you put into your work. You're also one of the most down to earth and humble guys around and jump at the chance to help out and with the other people around here in this artform. So with all those great qualities as a person, I, without a doubt absolutely know you'll make a great family man! Best wishes to you and your girl and the future that lies ahead!


this seriously brought a tear to my eye, and i thank you a lot ,
I always tried to be the best, and stray to be the best, but at same time help people whenever I could, but somtimes there are just to many of you lol.
I thank you again for your heartwarming words, i didt know I was that much of an influence but i appreciate it more then you can think.
Also i would like to share that without the chopping community i would not have been alive today i belive, it was early 2000 where i had lots of thought where i thought the world would be better without me, but when i started this, i felt I was appreciated and needed, wich i think everyone should feel , everyone should feel special and remember you ALL are, and never give up and always practice, best way to be good at chopping is to learn Photoshop first, learn teqnuiqes and what not , thanks again for all and single one of you for your words and your C & C its what kept me going, as said i will have one final chop posted by end of this month, and it will be one hell of a final bang , i wish you all the bet in the future, and may the force be with you all ;)

And yes Mark i will still hang around your forum as its the best ;-)

thanks again


Christer Aka Glacius
That's the beauty about this chopping artform and the global community that all chopping forums are connected to: I think everybody who has ever participated as a chopper has somewhat benefited from being a part of it. No matter how long, no matter how brief, I think you always walk out a better person. I think that's just the whole way chopping works, everyone's there to check out each others works, give some support and help each other improve. Gotta love it, gotta love that concept.

And I honestly can say that it's gotten me through a lot of tough times too. And becoming good at this and doing this as a hobby knowing that I can do well at something if I'm really passionate about it and put the hard work into really taught me that anything is possible, you just have to believe in yourself. Everybody needs to know that and I think chopping helps people realize that important thing.

I'll tell you the high point of my chopping career: it was simply when my father saw my car in a magazine for the first time I remember how proud he was of it, he didn't show it, but then later I realized he had bought a copy of the mag himself to show his mates at work, that kinda stuff really meant a lot to me at the time. So this is not just about being a forum online, a hobby like this can benefit you in other aspects of your life in more ways than one. And for me, creating something beautiful and even just knowing people out there have used it as their wallpaper, means so much to me too.

So out of all this if you take one thing away know that you've gotta be proud that you have touched a lot of people. I've had your chops as my wallpapers many a time, just like many other choppers have used them too.. you've helped make chopping what it is today. A lot of people have seen your work and been inspired. More new choppers will continue to feel the same. Every person that I have ever asked 'who's in your list of top choppers of all time', well you are always mentioned on that list. Every person that has walked through any chopping forum on the planet no doubt would have heard of Glacius. That's something to be super proud of, and I hope you remember that for a long time and take it with you in every part of your life ;)
Post edited August 02, 2010 at 10:26:42 PM by MK211
I vote instant HOF on this last chop regardless of how it turns out :D
92% of the teenage population has moved on to rap. if you are part of the 8% that stayed with rock, put this in your profile
Just got home from vacation. This is sad to see sir, sad to have truly inspired many choppers including myself.
Visit us at, on Instagram at Gurnade_Design, or at
nawh....... i didn't think i'd ever see you dissapear completely
maybe stop chopping, but..nawh, its kinda sad to see you vanish, its more thinking to the future, so many people who will never have known the great christian stormark

But i wish you the best of luck mate :) hope everything goes well
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Sad to hear.
But of course, there are more important things in life that need steps like this to be taken.
Wish you all the best.
You know you wanna click it!
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