tbh its the only PS i use now, NONE other PS is in 64 bit, and thats does it for me its shit loads quicker then any PS ,
and by being 64 bit ,it can use full potential of your computer.
with 32bit you can only use 3,54 Gig memory , so im also getting new PC with 16 gig ram, so that means photoshop will run at 16 gig, that will be imense, everyone has right to their own opinion, but i dont think any of you have any idea how good the PS acutally is,you all seem just to see the downside.
Ive been using Photoshop since 6.0 and its almost 11 years experience now and i know about most of the features since it came out , and for me this is the best one atm, it has alot of good features we could only dream about on PS 7.0 also
I can agree on one thing I DO like the lay out on CS3 alot better, but the tools are alot more refined in Cs5 and they have really pushed the limits on what it can do,
I also tried that content aware for me its not perfect either, but did you REALLY think it would be ?
I can only say if you got a 64 bit machine, then CS5 is for you.
got the preorder done just waiting for it now.
Post edited May 05, 2010 at 10:54:35 AM by Glacius