Oh, and check out this vid, fresh of the line from the russeparty last weekend!

Looks awesome Espen! I actually saw PLUR and another buss at Tryvann! :D
Hey, are you coming to Tusenfryd at "russens dag" ?
I now wish i was Norwegian.

And European girls of any kind make my knees weak. (this does include nationalities such as German, Ukrainian, Russian, or Yugoslavian or any other nationalities where the females have armpit hair).
"armpit hair" wich part of yugoslavia, thing? anyway yugoslavia dont exist more than 10 years xD xD
iCandi wrote:
Looks awesome Espen! I actually saw PLUR and another buss at Tryvann! :D
Hey, are you coming to Tusenfryd at "russens dag" ?

Nope, hate roller coasters and shit, so I won't bother :P
Come on bro!^^
Well party togetha! A group from my record company is also playing! Eliten! :D
Photoshoper wrote:
I now wish i was Norwegian.

agreed, why dont us english people do stuff like this :/
awesome tho takin, take a road trip to england :roll: :mrteeth:
I'll be flying over to Australia for Kate's party tonight and have to go by Heathrow to pick up a mate. I will be wearing my russ-pants, ya'll can sign it if you meet and greet! :P
Takin, I'll be out rolling with Dirty Diana tonight, might meet up somewhere by coincidence :P

May 1st, this is when shit hits the fan, seventeen awesome days ahead! =O =O
Come to Oslo :D
Post edited May 02, 2010 at 02:18:12 AM by iCandi
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