Awesome ride MK. ;) What about repair bils? I bet it runs like a dream, but anyway... ;d
Picture from today with some PS editing.:)
Mark your car is freking amazing, its the Tommy Kaira edition!!!!

Oh and the guy with the suzuki do this to it...
Saw that in Japanese car Banzai, was awsome!
HAhahaha.. was thinking about going crazy with the cappa, but changed my mind. saving up for my dream car now that ive found one in australia... it parked accross the street to my house =/
Here's a few pic of what i want to build :P


And here is how the car looks Stock:
Wow :|
so still a pretty small car then, cant rememebr what you call em now but theres a special word for cars that small and they modd em up and race em n stuff..
I think you might be thinking of 'k-car' or 'kei jidosha' or something like that :P Basicly translates to Light Vehicle :>
Im a Kcar fanatic lol, am trying to find myself a Suzuki Alto Works for quite cheap, but stupid import laws are making it hard to do =/ Ive learnt the hard way, it really does help to have more than 2 seats! But a small car is just sooooo much more fun (well more so than a huge Falcadore). However... Might end up getting a CRX SiR As i like that alot car aswell =]
awesome cark mark :|
Mitsubishi Fagna Wagon V6 ("Good Ol' Muddy")


It's beautiful.

Improper use? Rubbish. Using it for off road expeditions and getting it bogged in 32km of sand dunes, 1 meter of thick mud or use for constant rallying does not constitute improper use of a massive boat-like thingamajig. Anyway, it's only a boring FWD V6 but it does the job surprisingly well, and it's quite handy in dirt car parks, with the handbrake. I practice my J turns often too. I have tripod-ed this thing a couple of times already... I have fun in it. Before it dies, it's going to Wakefield park too, and try some laps, and possibly become a woody wagon next year for a total investment of $3.50
lmao 'Good Ol' Muddy' wtf is it doin on a beach fresa XD
It's Stockton beach. 32km of Sand dunes and beach. We went camping there. We had a useless little Suzuki Sierra (Samurai overseas) (Quite fun but useless at carrying stuff) and the mighty Fagna. Guess who was carrying everything and trying to get as far into the beach as possible before getting mightily bogged as pictured? Correct. Funny thing is, the Sierra was unable to tow me out so he had to tug me out whilst others pushed. LOL.

I must have extracted a good 10kg of sand upon returning, from the inside of the car.
Driving a sierra was the first 4wd i ever drove, over at Stradbroke island. Not a bad amateur fourbie, tho i certainly kno what u mean about them being wayyy too small to carry stuff.

lol at the last part of your last sentence you wrote.
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