hmm the top 10 imo...

Charlie, Mk211, iacoski, jonsibal, Neo, DAP, Uber Soldat, Tony_Riley, Glacius, NOM15
Nicklas wrote:
It's legends, not the best. Pete Smith is a legend, imo. He has helped more chopping newcomers than anyone ells.
Exactly why I said him he is the most well known for people who arnt really involved in chopping!
Really the whole idea of Wikipedia is to offer open, free, unbiased information.
The 'Top 10 of chopping', is inevitably someone's opinion and therefore, biased.
Unless there is a competition to decide upon the Top 10, then it will remain biased..
I agree with that.

Also I think chopping needs a history. Has anyone been around for long enough, who's still active, to give one?
puszka321 wrote:
please video xD
MK211 wrote:
I really like the nos coming out of the rims
I wouldn't mind writing up a history section if you guys don't mind. Not like i've been around since the beginning, but everyone knows where chopping first came from :P AND i was a member of digimods since 2004 which is kinda when chopping went mainstream. Then edit as applicable etc.
iacoski is the longest with 11 years
glac has done it for 9 years and i think mk is about that aswell
Jack, go for it on the history edits :)
i just seen the "Top 10 Worldwide Automotive Artists (Active)" thing
and i wouldnt call naj active, he hasnt done a chop in over a year lol
i think jakusa should replace naj :)
Post edited February 11, 2010 at 09:31:53 PM by Zero
Hmmm, I think that (Active) think duplicates a lot... - i.e. half the legends are on it, so at least it shouldn't repeat their personal history, but give some sort of reason linked to some verifiable source that they deserve to be there perhaps ;)....
aiight i'll give it a go and replace Naj with Jakusa
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