Anton wrote:
how about a tut about nordic and t-r's tablet brushing?!
the hard brush rough looking at first, and quite awsome looking at the end :)

or maybe you can do a tut about normal brushing :mrteeth: xD
merccopy.png ,
yh there famous for there own brushing styles
we dont want that to get let out and everyone doing it xD
curious...there was a video tut about thoes cloud's that you youse in refs...the white dot and smudge stuff=>dose enybody still have that..srry for my bad eng!
i need 1 for clearing refs
I need tut for raindrops on car .. please pm me if you make or find one :)
hy..I'm looking for tutorial that was on this forum. It has in it changing background. BG was made of couple diferent pictures,car in it was Lotus Elise i think..

thank you
If you guys can wait a couple of months, i'll have a huge selection of tutorials covering everything in chopping finished :D
Do that sh't, Jacky ;D
Can't wait.... :D
The universe is infinite, but the world is not.
tut for white color ?
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