PS CS3 here too. It's the Produciton Premium student package so it wasn't that pricy.

I used PS Elements 2.0 before this one and it worked alright. Maybe you should try getting the Elements version too if you're not willing to spend on the full version? I think it's about a hundred dollars or so. Not sure about the prices today though.
i use elements 4.0, there is'nt even a pen tool :-q
car town @ facebook
PaintShopPro7 :P (I know, some of you weren't even born when it came out, but I find it quite 'user-friendly' , even if it sucks at stuff like effects and 'cheating' ) Great program for advanced c+p and drawing/brushing stuff...
Some men just want to watch the world doing burnouts... :P
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I used to own paint shop pro as well and I switched to Adobe; I have both CS3 and 4 Extended (CS4 on the Adobe CS4 Master Collection) but use cs3 due to reformatting.
CS4 and CS4 Portable if im out and about :-d
Cs4 Extended
adobe 7.0 baby :) =O
still using it i have had cs for a while but i'm on a lop top now , hooked to a 19" screen and speed wise adobe 7.0 is just awsome
almost everything you need is in / on it
the only things i dont have are more extended degrain stuff and some sort of colortool i found very handy on cs versions

but its more the enough for me

so keepi'n it oldskool ... in comparison to most here i'm oldskool myselfs so thats a good combination :P :-d
(thats why it says oldtimer at my usernme)
CS4 Extended on my main computer and CS3 (Master Collection) on the school laptop
Visit my DeviantArt here: My DA
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