10 pts - Team Spain 1 : Awesome reflections, and atmosphere. Congratz.
9 pts - Team France 1: It's too simply for me, and looks a little toony, and the wheels are a little off. Personaly I don't like it, sorry.
10 pts - Team Spain 1 - I'm wondering why you will win this round (sorry). Everyone checks out the side brush (i love it too) and they push buttons "1" and "0". A low res and detailed CP interior with horrible window frame on the driver side. You've just cheated with the side windows haha nice. The rear wing looks stupid and halfdone. The rightend of the front bumper is off a bit. And those shiny points everywhere makes me sick on the front. 9 pts - Team France 1 - I can see some good things in it, but it's unfinished. That black and whityblue combo looks good with the BG, but it's not fitted well. If there is so much difference between blurred and sharpened parts DO NOT share this kind of HiRes pic. If it's a bit smaller you can hide some problems.