10 - Poland 4
9 - Great Britain
8 - Bulgaria 2
:woot:my new chop:woot:

:woot:my last chop:woot:
10 - Great Britain
9 - Poland 4
8 - Bulgaria 2
10pts- Great Britain
9pts - Poland 4
8pts - Bulgaria 2
10 - Great Britain
9 - Poland 4
8 - Bulgaria 2
Shame there were so few entries here...

10pts - Team Poland 4 - a decent design and some nice ideas, but the lighting is completely off in so many ways, and the colour isn't particularly attractive either. The wheels and roll cage a much much too bright, and the reflections in places don't make any sense :S In my opinion the lighting on the doors is too bright too, especially considering the light source - bright sunlight like that would be blocked out by the interior mostly. Some cool ideas though, well done :-d

9pts - Team Bulgaria 2 - clearly you were rushing this towards the end, and it's a bit of a quick chop. despite this it's a decent effort, with a nice colour change and red/black combo. The new interior suits it well too, but I'm really not a fan of those wheels. They also seem to be floating on the backdrop a little too.
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10pts Team Great Britain 1
9pts Team Poland 4
8pts Team Bulgaria 2
10pts- Team Poland 4
9pts - Team Great Britain 1
8pts - Team Bulgaria 2
10pts- great britain
9pts- poland 4
8pts- bulgaria 2
10pts- Great Britain
9pts - Poland 4
8pts - Bulgaria 2
10 points - Team Great Britain 1
9 points - Team Poland 4
8 points - Team Bulgaria 2
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