I Dont mean to cramp the style or nout but.. When you've finished a chop you usally get 1 reply 3/4 if your lucky but thats me in the 'New Choppers Area' if i then go on look on pro tuner its around 5 - 10 posts i think its generally unfair tbh. but thats just my opion.
well yeah thats unfair but...I have to cofess that im not often look into new choppers area.

I'll try to change myself and write sometimes there ;]
Hehe Your the man ;)
Excellent thread this, cause it brings up an important subject. Obviously it had been great, and a lot of fun, if everyone left kingsize messages. However, I am not sure that would work, cause normally, as I have seen, is that if someone leaves a huge post pointing out most of the misstakes, there isn't necassarily that much left to write about :) However, comments would be greater if they contained a bit more information. Like pointing out a fault, followed by a reason, and thirdly A WAY, not THE way, to fix the problem would be the best. Obviously language could be an issue as you have allready discussed.

I don't think making it a rule is the way to go, incentives might work better. I comment the way I do because I want to, because I want to help. HOWEVER! I do not, and will not ever force anyone else to do it. Firstly that wouldn't lead to anything constructive and secondly this is our hobby! Adding forced labour to a hobby sort of takes the fun out of it. Hehe. Of course there are those that work with this as well, but posting here is still hobby related.

I am also flattered that you used me as an example that many times in this thread, didn't know people kept such an eye on me. Thank you so much, and rest assured that I will continue to comment the way I have :) Maybe not every thread always, but as much as I can! :)

Hehe, Big kisses algeroth bro.
rich wrote:
i would never judge people not knowing english , i do think if you register on a english speaking forum you should try to get the basic's learned a bit .. just for your own benefit and making sure you can communicate with other people
You're mentioning an important fact. Nobody would even think about harming someone just because he's bad in english.

But as I see it, most of those people not capable of writing nice sentences, just don't try to improve. They write always and always the same words, not even thinking about how stupid it sometimes is. One could think that it's a bot just posting a random line of his fice sentence word pool.
And I personally think that this is not nice and even a bit provoking, no matter if meant so or not.

I know that bans or punishment would bring nothing than leaving people. That's not the way to go, in generall. I think about something like a Netiquette, where people should try to stick with. If they don't, they have nothing to fear. But they have to live with losing the respect of others.
To encorage people, maybe a kind of rating-system could be introduced, where one can rate the post of another from 1-3 (perfect, average, delete-worth-posting) or 1-10 or whatever. I know a comment-area on the webpage of a big German daily newspaper, where this works just perfect.
Here you can see it. With a click on the bar, a little menu pops up, and asks if the post was good or bad. Doesn't take much time for the one who votes, but can be very useful for the author to see if it's OK what he's writing or if he should try harder, next time.
well yeah, walla's ide is pretty good, but im afraid that people wont even vote on the good posts or trolls will allways vote good, eve if post is bad, thats how it works :-d
Well, I would vote.
To keep it simple, maybe a thumbsup or down system like on youtube etc. would be enough. :-q :-d
You know you wanna click it!
So, I suppose there's nothing coming from the admins any more. Too bad. Thought this entire discussion could bring at least some kind of progress.
But it looks like a change is simply not wanted, as long as 15 comments per thread look just better than 5, even if the summed up amount of words is significantly lower.
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