Active Design wrote:
Nothing will happen accord to me. They've said same things at year 2000 before it comes.

This is something else IMO.I dont know...We must just wait 3 years to find out :P
rc82 wrote:
This is something else IMO.I dont know...We must just wait 3 years to find out :P

atleast i'll be driving for a few years before then xD
ok saw the film tonight, good film, great effects but abit daft
The film is an absolute destructafest. Cracking fun.
That's funny how people said the end on days will be in the year 2000, yet we're in 2009...As a believer of Jesus Christ, the end of day will come but only God himself knows the time and date and I believe it's also down to the fact that no one is ready for that yet...
nothing will happend in 2012, maybe a tsunami in asia, maybe a flood in new orleans, maybe even a earthquake in central america, and someone will think its a sign that something will happend in 2025 because some guy in greece in 50 bc wrote something that some superficial religious cooks will miss-enterpetate. wont mean shit thought.

in 2012 i will hopefully be working as a machinist on a off-shore boat making shitloads of cash, driving around in a price-winning volvo v70 awd r 2001" with a wide bodykit, two 15" and one 12" sub in the trunk, lowered 20-40mm, 19" volvo r rims and twin turbos for everyday commuting,
working on my 72" opel gt project with a old turbocharged 2.8l senator engine while
winding my way around artic circle raceway and rudskogen in my renault clio williams upgraded with a wankel engine, roll cage, custom carbon fiber wide bodykit, hood, roof scoop and the exhaust tips going right out the side skirts right infront of my carbon fiber 16" rims.

looking forward to 2012 actually :mrteeth:

The Mayans actually killed themselves. They where sacraficing people to the gods, and throwing human hearts into their water supply, in turn poisened it then their enviroment they lived in could sustain them anymore. Therefore they died off.
there's no person who knows that,only god knows that,it can be tomorow,for a month,year,10,100 years...nobody knows that.
the 2000 thing was not end of the world
it was that all computers and so on cant handle the number change 1999 to 2000 and will shut down what would make serious troble :D

and to fuse if u are not interested in sciense dont bla bla bla about it :D
no offense but if that side dont advance we dont to :D

2012 is just scam so that people go crazy about it and so on :P there needs to be fear and to fear something just like a pible is one book what people would die on cause they are beliving on something and that is god bla bla bla .. it's just that we need to belive on something and god was forced on to people

this 2012 will be same just another day and all will be over

that clobal worming is just one of the stage eart makes in it's life time we dont need to panic about that and come up with stuped ideas like pay tax cause it's clobal worming but it still continues and we cant to nothing about it and we pay tax for it so the coverment will get to pay there loans
The thing about 2012 is, Because every 11 (or 12 years i cannot remember xD)
the sun will give out more solar energy then normal (proven fact). So from that and all the global warming, the world will come to an end and all that fuss.

But IMO take a look around, there more earthquake, massive drought in Asia, volcano in iceland, then other odd natural disaster around the world, I think it could happen but when ? I dont know, I rather not know.

So for now we play the waiting game...
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