Its still not there yet I know if I wait It will get even better =D
something not as conceptish looking, but more simple one, something that can last for a long time :)
just two different fonts used and some playing around with the positioning
just trying to help out :D

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Post edited February 16, 2012 at 07:25:08 PM by Anton
haha omg! thats wicked! well done mate i like that add some colours to it let me see that as well Great stuff :-d =O
GL@C!U$ CR3@T!0N$

you seem to like every design, mine in so adjustable that you can change to any font you want, do i win ?
Post edited February 16, 2012 at 08:51:27 PM by Zero
Holy shit Hugo, if Glac won't have your design then change the letters into S and F. I also want a new logo soon. Want to have a whole new Coporate Identity within Logo, Website, Business cards etc. Want to start with Logo first, try myself at the moment. Are you using a 3d programm for that with a Vector Graphic as base?
sfdesignz wrote:
Are you using a 3d programm for that with a Vector Graphic as base?

he said photoshop before on chat :)
if it was up to me i'd leave it black, but if you insist on colour this is the most i wanna put on it :P


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p.s. while playing with the colours i came across this :D if someone pisses you off you could send him a mail with this sligtly altered logo ( what does the blue area looks like?!?! :D ) j/k

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Post edited February 16, 2012 at 10:00:43 PM by Anton
haha xD ok mate i like that a lot better great stuff deffinatly a contender ;)
A quick design...


Huge size
Post edited February 17, 2012 at 05:12:40 AM by Matt_K
So after a couple of hours of work here is the full corporate identity:

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