"This is a knockout based tournament, so the TOP 6 Teams advance to next ROUND 2."

Here it is!
Pepi Designs wrote:

Will all the members vote ?

Cause you know ...

(theoretically) IF I and my teammate haven't voted , and we need that 1 point ahead we have , we might continue , if we dont vote ..
So , what will make us , to leave our votes ?

Everyone who has a car in the contest MUST vote , because NOT voting is a CRIME :)

Sorry for bad english.

did u read the rules? u cant vote for your country, but u can vote for everyone else, and if u look in here

and dodge-167 tell u about how many teams go to second round, first 6 in each division goes to second round, but i cant find where is that post here is somewere, anyway u can ask some admins and they will help u
Pepi Designs wrote:
It isn't ..

There is nothing written about how many teams will pass ..

This WTB '10 is very badly organised ..
Even my questions are not answered..


It would seem we're not the one's who are badly organised if you didn't search fully for you answers before going nuts in this thread ;) Everything has been answered, even when the answers have been stated clearly before in the main threads :D
S P E E D wrote:
we did not finish our work because we had problems whit my computer.and the chop photo was lost .can we start in the scened round please?? :)

teem Egypt

Sorry S P E E D, that's not our problem, you should have had a back-up file to make sure errors like this don't occur. You will have to wait for the next WTB to participate.
Post edited March 02, 2010 at 06:49:06 PM by jackdarton
TK1093 wrote:
I've got a complaint about Norway's and Especially Hungary's entry... If there are going to be chops like these, Autemo should not give a car to chop, they should only give the angle, and let everyone chop any car or even design a concept in that angle... I even think that Norway and Hungary should be disqualified if they do this in the next stages. :)

I wrote this comment on Division 6's voting. :)
It seems like an important issue, I believe. :)
Honestly, I do not care if I'm in Pro, Intermediate or New Choppers, as I just chop to kill time and to have fun, I don't chop to be listed as Pro, Advanced or Elite. :-d
We can understand your concern about that guys, but it's such a grey area to draw the line on that it would cause way more controversy that it's worth. We can't really limit teams from making concepts out of the bases if they're in the same angle and retain at least some of the base picture, which they do. It's blatantly obvious when a team uses a different base than we supply, so if anybody does so - they will be disqualified no questions asked. But as far as what you're concerned about, we can't limit peoples' imaginations - we want to do the exact opposite.
like hungarian camaro last year on wtb hehe, cartoon camaro lol

this is made off original pick and its briliant idea for me :D
TK1093 wrote:
TK1093 wrote:
I've got a complaint about Norway's and Especially Hungary's entry... If there are going to be chops like these, Autemo should not give a car to chop, they should only give the angle, and let everyone chop any car or even design a concept in that angle... I even think that Norway and Hungary should be disqualified if they do this in the next stages. :)

I wrote this comment on Division 6's voting. :)
It seems like an important issue, I believe. :)

i agree lol, doesnt look like norway will be going through anyway, but hungary's is like a mazda or something
i hope they wont be doing this for every round lol
i voted twice team arabia and team romania 5 but now i correct :-d
I noticed that we suddenly have fresh members, and their posts start in voting section, ok that is not a problem thts cool, more points, forum got more members, what I want to ask is there a way to check these new members,they are actually from those countries? I just want everything to be fair. :-d
noise024 wrote:
I noticed that we suddenly have fresh members, and their posts start in voting section, ok that is not a problem thts cool, more points, forum got more members, what I want to ask is there a way to check these new members,they are actually from those countries? I just want everything to be fair. :-d

yeh a few people with like 5-7 posts
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