Brian wrote:
That is...f*cking impressive!!

Btw you chop just like him Cloud haha.

Thanks Brian ;)
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Cloud wrote:
TDesign wrote:
Cloud wrote:
Hey guys, just wondering if anyone has this photochop. It was done years ago, and the link is dead. The chop is epic, and deserves to be resurrected. I've been looking for it forever!


That was his original. I'll give the archives site a look. Thanks guys!

Here is his original link on

Mmmm PSC my first home for photoshopping cars :)
92% of the teenage population has moved on to rap. if you are part of the 8% that stayed with rock, put this in your profile
Wow thanks for posting this, can't believe this was done in 06
The quality of brushing is immense.

So where is Tony Riley now? I've actually never heard of him till now.
I really want to see more of his work. :D
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2006? Are you kidding me. I never knew that in 2006 the human race already have had a time machine. Guys, this chop is awesome and I have never seen it before.

In some kind of way we should make a tribute for that. Maybe a "Tony Riley Masters" where you have to chop a Tommy Kaira ZZii. Let us honor him. :)
ive heard glac talk about him as a legend on msn, him and charlie who is apparently awesome at c+p
sweet chop though
i was around when tony did that chop, remember perfectly the ammount of fame this guy had, he was sooo amazing, i even got real sad when he disapeared, if someone have contact with him, tell him i miss his chops, and he was actually a pretty nice and correct guy, giving feedbacks and helping people, i remember his gallery was one of my first inspirations on dpstudio. net, allong with charlie, and many other not seen anymore artists, this was in 2003.

heres some of his chops in this list

this was other epic chop from him back in the days
Post edited July 19, 2011 at 04:14:36 AM by hugosilva
this was in 2006? Jesus, it only seems like last year he posted that, and yes, he was certainly one of the best choppers by far, along with DAP, charlie, AMV and of course iacoski.
Post edited July 20, 2011 at 04:59:31 AM by jackparrish
TR is a legend! One of the most famous choppers. In those days we didnt mix up the brushing with tooning, and we didnt copy the paint or reflections from other images, we used our imagination :omg:
He was and still is one of best choppers of all time. His chopping level can be easily compared with IAC or Glacius... And he also helped a lot of people with his comments, always had great answers...

I remember his chops in PSC, im sure you can still find more of them searching there.

Glad to see we still remember him.
Back in the DM days.. which would be... 08ish I saved a few chops, they were some of my chop inspirations. so I figured I'll upload a few as contribution to this nostalgic thread :D

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Couldn't resist going back into the archives and digging these up on my old HDD...
Pure classics by TR!
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