(the water will be higher than the red line).. How much remains to be seen... My place is about 5 metres higher than the edge of the colored area, so should be ok...
This is what you get for living in a country where you're never going uphill! :P
Soo... Hows the HQ now?

Heard Brissy is some what underwater and there's a lack of food :(
So far $32mil have been raised through charity, when there's over 30 Billion dollars of damage or something...

I actually wish i was there now to take some photos, must be an amazing sight. In a bad way.


Love the irony.
The rail network in Ipswitch is stopped.
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In all seriousness though, I don't get it. Shouldn't all the water just fall right off? Seeing as you're all upside-down I mean.

Dude, Fuck off, Seriously.

I don't find 8 dead +55 missing, +30billion dollar damage, no power/ food funny at all. especially when your on the either side of the globe and don't really know the situation. Not tasteful jokes Devils.

Said to be at lease 36 hours till water will start to retrieve from parts of Qld.
Brisbane is a pretty flat area of land, there might be more rain on the way as the worse is yet to hit Brisbane CBD.
The water is currently 19 Meters above average... :(
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The 'leis parade lawnton' pic is just the next suburb away from where I grew up.. Never once in 15 years have I ever seen it anywhere near like that.

The last one is eagle street pier, that's right in the heart of the city, I had my 21st birthday in a restaurant just there... It's completely underwater in the pic!

Crazy weather... it's been kinda surreal today cos it's clear blue - picture perfect skies (like in the 2nd pic from the top), but when you look all around you it's all flooded..
I'm still dry as well... The water is creeping up about 200 metres away, but that's a bit down hill at the end of the street. Expect the peak tomorrow to come up a bit higher, but still not anywhere near here. Took a couple of pictures today, but I expect the pictures tomorrow to be better...

Although people canoeing in the local creek, the local fish n chips now being a riverside restaurant, and people walking across the road while their dog is swimming across the road are not very usual things to see!

Will load the best pictures I've got tomorro of the neighborhood.

In Ipswitch the river is about 20 something meters, here it's predicted to reach 5.2... not sure how they measure that anyway, but 5.2 is pretty bad here... Anyway 95% of Brisbane is not affected directly as it's one of the world's largest cities in area, but bad for the parts that are...
Post edited January 12, 2011 at 10:03:44 PM by IronChop
wow guys sorry to hear that so bad, I can not imagine how you feel now, almost every day watching the news on TV, and the Report of it seems to me that the situation is getting worse every day.
Here in Bosnia and Herzegovina was a flood, but nowhere near where I live, I live in a town called Mostar and all those who lived near the Neretva river were under water. and here and see this is something that makes my city is famous, and this is the Old Bridge.
Post edited January 12, 2011 at 09:15:07 PM by Gile


Oh, and even though it is sad, some of those photos are also kind of funny in a sad way :/... You've got two choices... laugh or cry... a little bit of both doesn't hurt. You still gotta be able to see the humorous side if there's an opportunity to smile in the face of adversity.
IronChop wrote:
Oh, and even though it is sad, some of those photos are also kind of funny in a sad way :/... You've got two choices... laugh or cry... a little bit of both doesn't hurt. You still gotta be able to see the humorous side if there's an opportunity to smile in the face of adversity.
did u saw the video? :/


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