Plenty of good feedback there! We will definitely try to keep things a bit more active alongside the WTB as far as comps go... The Autemo out of beta and complete chopper ranking thing might be something that'll provide some interesting mix-ups in 2011 too :).

For me, 2010 was good, but I know Autemo can do even more for our chopping clients than what we did in 2010. When Autemo comes out of beta you'll know what I mean...

Apart from helping organise the WTB this year I'll be busy pimping - I mean selling - Autemo to the world!

Oh, as per Nibs comment, yup we are working on having half-admin/"moderators". Wether or not it'll be ready for the Autemo out of beta milestone later this week we'll see ;).
Post edited January 04, 2011 at 06:11:52 PM by IronChop
Autemo-lio been pretty damn impressive over the last year and a bit.

Although I'm not as active C&C wise as I wish I can be, it has done pretty well.
-Awesome atmosphere, especially the uber friendly and some times sexy admins Lol
-Meeting Mk211 and Ollie in the flesh
-Competed in WTB along side 3 other Aussies
-Got paid renders in the print for magazine.
-Met so many new choppers and now I chat to them on a daily basis.
-Crowned the 10/10 babes thread king xD

The bad...
-The donor central needs work the layout and the buttons are a bit screwed up.
-Alot I Mean alot of Bias Voting in Comps which is a shame on such epic comps :\
-the Autemo E-zine is yet to be released xD
-There's a bit of work to be done on the chopping ranking system, it's a bit messy.

That's about it for now, it's been a great year, so all the best for 2011 Autemorla :-d
Keep up-up-up-up Admins ( Mk211 and Ironchop to be precise )
Come join us on Facebook and Tumblr
Talkin' bout my flesh here,... You make yourself sound so sleazy Joseph! xD

Autemo is constantly getting better! I know I haven't been the most active lately but hopefully I can get to make a few more chops in 2011.
seen some progression in '11 already
i can honestly say that the competition scheme seems to be on ups (not perfect still, but i hope the big improvement is enough to gather some good chops out of it)

also good to see that the general athmosphere is better (i saw one disrespecting comment and it was solved quickly and normally, without any big show, but still sorted out what the point after it was)
i just threw eye on some posts ,so sorry if my critiques are repetative with upper ones..
Positive.. Lots of stuff,great people from whole world, big chances to get some good prize even it is virtual or just and image(lol),every hour(minute ) new chops, and inspirations, but i don't think this can help You in any way(maybe just moral,but..)
Things that may be more care to are promotion system,comments,and competitions
1.Promotion system:
I think that is necessary to have one more moderator that will care about what chops (choppers) deserve to be in what showroom, because some guys deserve and do better, while some that do in worse quality are promoted,with only one chop into (for example) advanced or pro...come on, do at least 2-3 chops to be promoted only one level.... And one mod should just check chops(no need to comment) and send mod if chop need promotion..(i think i explained good,sorry for bad engl)
2. Comments omg GREAT NO1 CHOP,AWESOME JOB, I LIKE UR CAR,come on ur not flerting with a stupid blonde,ur commenting art,show some respect and comment at least 10 words about it... Dunno how to answer to comment like "I like ur chop m8","ou thanks","good job" , "ou thanks","nice work i like ur style","ou thanks"...
3.Competitions..(i have to go so i'll shorten it),in one year there was 5 or 6 i dunno..that's boring.. i know there ar 1vs1 or some but i'm sure that Mitsubishi-like(evolution x..) competitions should be more...
I hope You understand all i suggested,sry for bad eng,and gl in further autemo-upgrading (and Year also :D)
going good just growing and growing :D
1 problem that autemo always have had which all forums will have is promotions
some choppers do a few great chops "promoted to pro tuners" then they do a quickish one,
as alot of choppers do then someone says not pro just for that 1 chop
its really bugging other members and not sure if you can fix it, maybe a demotion system which you can tick the box just to shut up some people in there posts or something
im pretty sure you'll understand what i mean :-d
Don't worry, only been discussing a promotion system today and I think we've got a solid system to work something out.
jackdarton wrote:
Don't worry, only been discussing a promotion system today and I think we've got a solid system to work something out.

sweet, its a problem which all chopping forums have, this mainly because its so damn active :D
not sure if you could do much to change it, will be cool if you can
I LOVE AUTEMO -the first think that I would say every I open this site-

Too bad I'm joining this at the middle of 2010.. :( but ofcourse even it just a few experience i've got in here, makes me creating some synopsis (or what the hell the name is) of Autemo..

1. Autemo, home of creativity, home of international social networking, home to study more about chopping, and also, home of happiness(because we can interact with each other with a jokes and any ingredients, even the sucks words... :D )
2. Autemo, right place for Automotive lovers and designer, that we can discuss and learn from sharing our skill (but some people sometimes looks to stingy about their skill to be shared).. I hope, in 2011, no "walls" that makes the noobs always be the noobs...:)
3. Autemo, the different site that I never seen before... starts from kindness of all admins, until the "Junker" that just want her works been punked by others that much better than him or just dont know about modification but smartass pretending known it more than anything.. :)

I have a suggestion, how if the competition divided in 3..?

-WTB(then make the recent comp Ex. WTB 2011 be sticky)
-Championship/monthly comp
-Chopper Challenges

I think it looks more simple, but it just suggestion from me.. CMIIW :D

and the last, how if there's a rank of any chopper to knows, what rank recenty he get? no necessary but I think it will make some people have a spirit to get better I think.. :D
I like what you said about the competitions format Ivan.. I agree with you we need to pay more attention to that area.
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