get well m8 :-d :-d

pain will eventually go away and then you can or learn to walk again and after a while its just a memory

take care :-d
Thanks alot for the support there Richard!
What really sucks is that I now have to spend my birthday (tomorrow), christmas, and new years eve all alone :(
Awesome... The pain escalated wednesday morning. So my mother brought me to our local doctor. He opened the band-aid, and wanted to send me to the hospital right away.

"Um... why?" I asked. Seemed like I had a bad, bad infection in my knee. So here I am now. At Norways oldest, most ruined hospital with WLAN (yaay!). Seems like I'll be celebrating Christmas here alone :(
Yeah i had a knee operation too last year .. I had my meniscus teared .. f*ckin painfull .. the operation was interesting cause the anesthetic was below my waist and i watched everything on a monitor .. after the operation i couldnt feel anything below my waist (yeah my d*ck too xD) for about 3 hours .. it was very hard too pee .. :D but im fine now and i have no problems :) .. wish you faster recovery :)
hope you get nice soon mate, its making two years this month (day 27) i was operated in a perytonitis, when i got in the hospital in a coma, with organs poisoning from th apendyx, i was interned in the hospital for 3 weeks, and got like almost 4 months to get better, i do know its hard, but youll be fine in some time, so be patient, best wishes
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