YAY! I BAGS iCandi! =O
jack you are helping me :-d :D :)
im not going to take part in this, and to be totally fair "dumping it" on the helping members of photoshopedup's sections aint totally fair
not saying this only because i was giving some constructive comments and opinions on how to make the chop better, but because actually fairly many of the nca members just left and abandoned it all

ofcourse they have the right to do so, but that obviously makes the whole idea of blaming the helpers bit unjusticed in my opinion

also this "trend", in which there is members trying to pick out the one who would be the one to help them is bit awkward in my opinion

i can understand if someone prefers something, like in marchalj's case, but few posts above this...

i believe the mainreason for this would be to get advices and have aspiration of evolving as an artist, not to hook up to your favourite artist in hope of getting the end results improved to style/look of the original artist

also this requires ofcourse lots of work and time, which propably is off from your chopping time, so my advice is to carefully consider your "eligebility" to actually join it

my case in this to tell my perspective in things and mostly say why i aint gonna participiate on it

sorry if some find this bit naive, but this is how i feel off this idea and i wanted to say what i had in mind

for the ones who are joining this i wish happy chopping days and i hope to see some nice works as an result of it
Sarge wrote:
YAY! I BAGS iCandi! =O

pfft ive known you since you started and i would say your inter :P
so you dont need much help
Zero wrote:
Sarge wrote:
YAY! I BAGS iCandi! =O

pfft ive known you since you started and i would say your inter :P
so you dont need much help

Who? Me?
iCandi wrote:
Who? Me?

no sarge obv
Oh, ok :)

Anyways, im willing to dedicate alot of time into this. Pick me, and youll see new choppers grow great in no time!
i can absolutely recomend Icandi...if you go to my site, you can see my work, that he learned me in just a couple of hours:)
mmellquist wrote:
i can absolutely recomend Icandi...if you go to my site, you can see my work, that he learned me in just a couple of hours:)

jack will know exact;y what icandi is like anyway ;)
I could definetely recommend iCandi!

Hes one of the most nice, most "forward" choppers i've talked to.
He would fit perfectely for something like this acctually as hes not as quiet as many are, he talks alot which is positive!

I do believe he would be a great tutor aswell, hes really good with photoshop, and not just with cars, hes good with photoshop overall. Which is also a very positive thing!.

I've known him since i started with the chopping basically, hes always been very helpful even when you havent asked for it.

So i would really recommend iCandi to be a tutor :-d

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