IAC, Glac and definitely MK211.

If you want inspiration you can also check some good blogs like Auto-Otaku.com or Speedhunters.com
I'm just having a laugh J-Hui...
Don't worry I was just going with it.

All good. :-d
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You got me xD
my inspirations are samvesters and jackdarton, not many but yh as there the best in my style, samvesters mainly, he's helped me soooooo much with chopping ;)
rc82, shappass, crazy richard, hossworks and some others

just because they have awesome styles :P
Gabriel10 and Ghost-D, to name those who've had the biggest impact on my chopping.

And of course Fuse who is(n't) a big inspiration to all(/any) of us.
all of you inspire me tbh, its what keeps me going,
but the very first persons i got inspired from was
Charlie, Chapter , Aurel

you wouldt know them if you havent been on Photoshopjunkie , but it was the bomb back in the days.
then i got to know IAC and my life changed for ever .

Yeah yeah.Just like me.He show me the right way to choping.
Naj, Cop, Edvard, Ollite, Glac
More recent: Crazy Richard, Bram,-sN, IAC.
Post edited August 27, 2010 at 04:54:27 AM by Brian
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