Grats Andy ;)

It's 18 here, so next yr I'll be rolling, and dey be hatin.
Congrats. Damn I feel old, Ive got my license and lost it( damn speeding fines) and got it back again. :(

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Mcleod wrote:
Congrats. Damn I feel old, Ive got my license and lost it( damn speeding fines) and got it back again. :(

reckless driving makes you feel old?
Woo nice one, Now go buy a sh*tbox and just do burnouts and drifts in it xD

Hmm 18 and I'm still on my Learners, FUUUUU Australian laws (no turbo's and 2 years of P's ) :(
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Con-f'n-grats Andy!! Now go get a sweet car and rip some skids in it!
Congratz :) I wish You trees from ruber :-d
Congratz mate,i'm starting mines in 1 or 2 months :)
J_HUI wrote:
Hmm 18 and I'm still on my Learners, FUUUUU Australian laws (no turbo's and 2 years of P's ) :(

Only two years?
Where are you from dude?
I'm in Victoria and its four years here. One on red Ps then three on green Ps.
Well then it might be 3 years P's, One year on L's, 1 on Red's 2 on Green's, but sucks because I still have 6 months till my P's, but haven't had anytime to practice driving :(

Oh and I'm in Nsw (FTW) :-d
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Congrats mate.
now go out and have some fun.
Drive carefully though. At least for the first times. ;)
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