Ok.. I get it all now.. :D

o yeah, then, how to add a banner in every post that u did..?
my account>edit profile>then put img in forum signature
Just thought of another acronym that is seen on some forums

NSFW - Not safe for work.

The amount of times I have seen people not realise this here at work and click innappropriate threads.
Post edited July 15, 2010 at 11:07:31 PM by Greboth
Greboth wrote:
NSFW - Not safe for work.
The amount of times I have seen people not realise this here at work and click innappropriate threads.

well you'll hardly see that on this forum, its for topics which have like topless babes or torrents in which is against the autemo rules ;)
Oh I know that, I just realised it is on the 10/10 women thread and if you are new to forums then you wouldn't know what it means. I think we have covered all the ones you are likely to see on here though.
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