Wacom+ mouse + keyboard :D
I even go nuts when I just have to use the touchpad for browsing or stuff.
Not to think of chopping.

100% mouse.
I use a bit of everything.

@ On the train: macbooks touch-pad. (ever tried standing up and trying to chop? it's really hard :| )
@ Home: 60% Wacom, 20% keyboard, 10-15% touch-pad, The rest is mouse but still I rarely use it.

BUt at the end it's not the tools but how you use it ;)
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Mouse... but i wanna buy a tablet to kick some ass ^_^
Waw.. =O most of u all can use touchpad even mouse is useless... great... even that any of u use Wacom.. wew... amazing..

but me, just with my lovely mouse.. maybe that's the reason I'm doing chopping roughly.. hmm.. <_< time to try to learn touchpad.. hehehe :P
I use the mouse.

I did use the tablet a little some time ago but as it was mostly gathering dust I sold it.
for me, a tablet is best for tiny details, little reflections etc. Because of that I use it about 10% of the time to add finishing touches to a chop. The other 90% of the time I use my mouse :)
i use tablet almost always while chopping, so much better when can use the hand i draw with :D
Klaus wrote:
I would say 90% of the time I use a mouse, but I also have a tablet. So for some things the tablet is a little easier and can help to do things quicker, so I use it for those.

Exactly! :D I'm using my WACOM Intuos3 A4 but mostly mouse.
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