No because i was working on the file, accidentally merge the layers.
and then continue brushing so ... :(

Dont worry, i'll manage :-d
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Oh, okay... then let's compete..:-d hahaha.. (ofcourse I'll be lost, because I'm still a newbie)
I'll give it a try, my first comp on Autemo :D
Lilja wrote:
I'll give it a try, my first comp on Autemo :D

Mine too sadly lol yet i'm a 1000+ plus poster :P I fail
92% of the teenage population has moved on to rap. if you are part of the 8% that stayed with rock, put this in your profile
Who ever's idea it was to choose this base, i love you. :) :-d

I havn't got so stuck into a chop like this in ages. I just can't stop working on it totally loving it, maybe because i'm doing minimal brushing instead of full brushing or the fact i actually like my work for once.
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n00b @ u, for merging the layers J_HUI.

But you also love me cos I made this comp lol
Haha but in that case, you already knew i love ya ;P

But yeah, great base and it's going great... apart from the fact I merged the layers at the beginning.
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I could make 10 chops with this base! :D
I will see, I', trying extreme but dont know how it will end up :/
I have an idea , do it ! xD
Seventh Wonder MalĂ˝
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