Honestly, for me a Ipad is something I want to own, but wont be willing to purchase.

I haven't seen or touched an ipad myself so i wont be too closed minded, but for now it seems that this piece of machinery is nothing spectacular or revolutionary (comparing to the iphone's or the new phones with the Android OS) Plus It's rather expensive and from what ive seen so far it's only a bigger iphone / itouch.

Wi-fi only, not 3G
(16GB * $AUD499.00 )( 32GB * $AUD599.00 ) ( 64GB * $699.00)

End of the line, if i win one in a competition I'd be dead happy, but or else i'll keep my money and Spend it on some other apple product instead like a Ipod or a Mac-book which I already have.
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Sorry to make you so frustrated cloud :P Its not like the ipad is anything 'new'.. Slate pc's have been around for a while now and all that apple has done is market it for the general public.
Apologies if i come off as an apple hater, i just hate the apple fanboyism. Doesnt help that i hate the iphone/ipad OS either :P (Windows is only slighty worse)
NEW shiny thing make everything all better, say clever science man yesterday.

Thing have telly! Science man say shiny thing is telly and books. And good for seeing photos of you and everyone, and also naked people who do mucky things. Science man say shiny thing 'changes game' and now all the other science men must go away and be sad. Science man say: "All things everyone have are rubbish. Look! Telly and books! That will be £400 please thank you."

Nikki, a girl who has had 27 birthdays and works in a big building, say: "Oooooooooh. It do telly. I will see telly on it and make it help me buy nice hats. And look! It fit in bag where I have keys and little talkie box and red goo I put on face."

Tom, all grown-up man from busy place, say: "I very busy man who need see telly on big metal tube that take me to busy job. But look! It also play game! I play noisy game on metal tube and be happy."

And Bill, really, really old man who sits in chair all day, say: "It make words happen by pointing at it. Oooooooooh. I will make it help me say clever words to newspaper about gypsies and Pakistan.


Thing have telly!

Sorry, just had to :mrteeth: :mrteeth: :mrteeth: :mrteeth: :mrteeth: :mrteeth:
Post edited May 30, 2010 at 08:05:09 AM by DevilsTower
Okay, don't buy it. I love mine. So do a million others.
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I want one :)
I would love one so much, we are thinking about getting one for my mum cause all she does is just browse the web and email, seems prefect for her really.

But getting macbook soon :)
I like you.
I would like to buy one, but I don't have the money!
If I hadn't have bought my MacBook Pro about six months ago and bought a cheaper Windows laptop, I probably would buy an iPad to compliment it.
It seems quite convenient for casual 'lounge room' computing. Just checking Facebook or your bank account for example.
The problems I foresee is the fact that although it has iWork, it has no folder structure and thus will not be able to replace a true computer for me in that sense.
Obviously I'm not basing my entire opinion on just that argument, I just can't be bothered typing out others hahaha.
jm16892 wrote:
it has no folder structure and thus will not be able to replace a true computer for me in that sense.

No fear, there's an app for that.
Visit us at Gurnade.com, on Instagram at Gurnade_Design, or at Facebook.com/Gurnade
Cloud wrote:
jm16892 wrote:
it has no folder structure and thus will not be able to replace a true computer for me in that sense.

No fear, there's an app for that.

Wow, I did not know this.
I may be won over yet!
I feel I'm getting old, lol... Firstly I don't care about iPhone, iTunes, iPod etc etc.. I'll make due with my Nokia E63 and my Blackberry 9000 thank you very much. I spend enough time on the computer as it is, hahaha!

We do have an iMac 21" though, which I must say is awesome :).

Thinking aobut actual real uses for an oversized iPhone or laptop that cannot protect its screen by folding over, the only thing I could think of was a "rent an iPad" service I heard an airline was starting... i.e. replacement to those personal entertainment devices on planes. At home I think I prefer watching my 46" Full HD LCD TV than a tiiny iPad.

I am somewhat tempted to get the iPed though :P


Oh, by the way, did anyone see the ad where some chick is sitting as a passenger on a scooter holding on with one hand to the person in front, and holding the iPad with the other? I'd love to see if anyone could actually do that and not drop the iPad if the scooter had to break reasonably quickly, lol... It'd surely be an iSmash :D.
Post edited June 08, 2010 at 08:22:22 AM by IronChop
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