I forgot to mention what JM wrote: If you don't vote, you are definitely not allowed to complain about anything that your government decides until the next election!

Nick: I don't fully agree with any politician and/or party either, but I chose the one that was the closest to my opinions and voted for that - better to have some than nothing, right?
I don't agree on the: "You aren't allowed to complain, if you don't vote"-part. If there's no-one you politically agree with, then who should you vote for?
This is why I will vote blank, unless we get some good party in the meanwhile, because then I can still complain all that I want ;)
Vote for the ones that you agree with the most ;)
Nicklas president for Denmark! xD
DevilsTower, why should one be forced to participate in the voting process before he can actually criticize or complain?
Heres my opinion, its all a load of fucking tripe.
The only thing for sure is, don't vote for BNP.
Any other party that gets elected will do sweet fuck all until a lot of people complain about something.
So to be honest i dont really car who gets voted in as long as it aint BNP, ive heard stories about diffferent parties.

Ive hear Lib Dems are thinking about legalising chronic, which would be kinda cool, but itll be taxed like fuck so it'd probably be better to do it dodgey anyways. Not old enough to vote anyways, but yeah whatever go Lib Dems.
I beleive that if you (or anyone else, I'm ot criticising you ditrectly) cannot even be bothered to go down a vote, to have your say in the way your country is run, then what right should you have to complain when things don't go the way you want them to?
You didn't bother saying anything (with your vote) when you had the chance, so why should you get to complain?
Ah lol, I think we're misunderstanding each other then. I'm talking about those who don't vote because they don't want to (for personal reasons), not about those who are too lazy. We agree on that, then. ;)

People who are too lazy to vote, typically gives a rats ass about it anyway.
Post edited May 07, 2010 at 08:14:02 PM by Nicklas
Ended up being a hung parliment, with Conservative winning a few more seats than labour.
Students might miss out on EMA, which wont affect to be fair, i just dont want to have to pay for my healthcare, its already a fucking rip for the dentsit.
To be honest its not a ssuprise to me that it is a hung parliment as since it was announced pretty much every poll has had the result of a hung parliment. Whats going to happen now is something i don't know.

Just hope it gets sorted ASAP.
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