try to do it without at least a little thinking xD
it can actually do almost everything, if you consider the surroundings and use caution....
Sex sucks, true love swallows wild.gif
My mate also had that Beta version thingy, and the result of the content aware fill wasn't that good tbh, Not at all as they showed in the video.
Maybe he did wrong or something no idea, but from what i saw it practically works the same as Stamp tool.

And if you just learn to use the stamp toll properly its also an epic tool :-d
Haven't tried it myself though.. but i will try once it gets released.
Old Hondas never die, they just get faster!
Nibs wrote:
My mate also had that Beta version thingy, and the result of the content aware fill wasn't that good tbh, Not at all as they showed in the video.
Maybe he did wrong or something no idea, but from what i saw it practically works the same as Stamp tool.

And if you just learn to use the stamp toll properly its also an epic tool :-d
Haven't tried it myself though.. but i will try once it gets released.

I would say thats not entirly true.

The contact aware thing is very good on their picutre, and it does what it does very well.

but on other things ,like removing a car from a background thats not possible without some cloning skills.

I tried it and it worked to a degree. but its not perfect i agree onthat.

but what they did in the video can be done 100%.

It looks hard to believe right now, ill wait a month and then decide!
got my hands on a copy, content aware isnt that good, were going to see a lot of noobs just thinking they can delete a front badge without realising the mesh doesnt match up properly.
It's a bit hit and miss really, its better with fully textured things like leaves, rather than just removing a door handle.
You got the pre-release right?
Through completely 100% legal means, yes.
Content aware is not up to the high standards adobe set out, but it can be useful
Yeah no doubt, couldnt do that warp thing for some reason, i go to transform it, right click and the warp button isnt clickable?
Yeah same here, quite odd.
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