10pts to Czech 1. Like a new generation Stagea. Awesome! Great execution too.
9pts to Brazil 11. I love the paint on this. Great execution everywhere else too.
8pts to Poland 4.
7pts to Hungary 4. Amazing mood in the image! Not a fan of the design but daym it's been made so well! Jaggy wheels.
6pts to Turkiye 1. Nice design but the noisy paint, all those jaggies plus bad quality wheels and bg ruin it big time.
5pts to Ukraine 1. The wheels' quality lets it down a bit.
4pts to Lithuania 3. Big points for the wheels! The theme doesn't work in my opinion. Would've looked better if the non-orange parts were just black and white like in the movie. I can't remember a Disney castle like that in Sin City either.
3pts to Croatia 1. It looks a bit unfinished. Some great ideas on it!
2pts to Hungary 3.
1pts to Poland 3. It would've looked more like it's flying if it wasn't so leveled out in the picture. Some tilt on it would've worked wonders. Ugliest carbon pattern ever.
Post edited April 15, 2010 at 10:06:20 PM by ollite20