Lovely result, Takin!
Not to hijack the thread, but I snapped some pics at the awards at my school (where people vote for the best bus, best concept, best song etc). Bear in mind that the songs are mostly made from scratch, they design clothing, interior design etc. This stuff is regularely planned for about 3 years for those who are serious enough to build buses.
There are five buses created by russ on my school this year, out of 180 russ that's not bad! Their concepts are: Sweet Escape, Dirty Diana, The New Era, PLUR (Please Let Us Rave/Peace Love Unity Respect, they use both of those) and Profitten (Profit in English, they called themselves that because they bought the bus for $3350USD and sold it (Russ often sell their buses right after they are built, and deliver them after the party time is over) for $21000 just after it was completed, thus "profit" )
The 'russetid' is ridiculously cool, I came hung over to an English exam last week
If anyone wants more pics I can locate more, but they won't be mine
Dirty Diana - their theme was Michael Jackson, celebrating his great career and life. I've been out "rolling" (as we call it, being on the road drinking with all the huge speakers blowing), and one word - AWESOME!!!
This is from one of the vans
Bus made by 20+ girls, their concept being 'Sweet Escape', celebrating the escape from school after 13 years of "captivity".
Post edited April 30, 2010 at 03:53:12 AM by DevilsTower