Anton wrote:
that is really awsome, just to write that algorithm, those guys are crazy,
and maybe it won't remove the creativity, but will totaly remove the skils part of art,
the ones that have the image in their head, like you see a base and you know how you want it to look at the end, but now maybe you don't have the skils to do that, later on, you won't need the skils, just the imagination

theres still the skill aspect in many other parts. Like with what we do. Thats a definite skill
92% of the teenage population has moved on to rap. if you are part of the 8% that stayed with rock, put this in your profile
thats sweet
cant w8 for it
merccopy.png ,
Wow!! I really don`t believe my eyes! It`s very cool!!
sfdesignz said it all for me.
I am not worried about that thing turning noobs into pros right away when they get the CS5. That's just another handy tool to minimize the tedious and time-consuming pixel pushing and lets the artist concentrate into what really matters, making the art via composition, colors and other design aspects. Pretty much the same thing a few years back when the Warp tool came around. It hasn't really revolutionarized anything although it is an amazing tool. It is just a tool you know, to help you get the job done.

When they develope a tool that comes up with the whole idea and produces the content right away, I can say I'm concerned. :P
What the freak =O that so cool i have to do that kind of stuff manually all day at work
I'm still only on photoshop CS.... i wont CS5 now xD

Thanks Glacius that was cool :-d
As long as photoshop does not make a "YOU ARE FORCED TO USE IT" tool, for me is just that, another tool. If you decide to use it great and if you want to do it yourself its fine also. I think it's a great addition specially when i consider things customers ask for when making adds at the newspaper i work at. Time is of the essence and a tool like that would help cut dramatically the time it would take to do the kind of stuff presented on the video. Looking forward to trying it.
Thanks Glacius for sharing this info! :-d
that would be really awesome!
My dA
very good ps!
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