lol i have a gpen it cost me £80 :-d
Guys, You're sayin' you got a Trust TB 5300 tablet.
I also got one, but the drivers and stuff won't work....
I can use it now, but only without pen-pressure.

I'm using Vista and PS Cs4. Anyone can help me out?
I've got a Wacom, Yet to use it properly on a chop but the touch sensitivity and all rounds feel is great for the price, i recommend it for Mac users.
i dont use a tablet for almost an year now, ccould have bought a bamboo allready as theyre cheap, but ill just wait till i have cash for a good one,really dont feel like needing one at the momment, ive been shopping with my good old razer mouse
Post edited March 24, 2010 at 01:24:17 AM by hugosilva
i just bought myself a Trust TB-7300,
still not quite sure if it'll do me much better on my chops :S
having bit of doubts with it,
anyway as i read somwhere, before you buy one, see if you can borrow one for some time, just to see if you are one of the tablet comfortable guys, or the mouse ones.
though it's good to have a tablet if you wan't to do digital artwork, or some graphic stuff
From my experience, One thing I would say if anyone is thinking of getting a tablet or just got one is to not expect the first chops with it to be amazing (or even necessarily as good as previous mouse ones.) While the input method is very similar due the varying things you can do with a tablet meant that my chopping style changed and now I can't really use a mouse for chopping. They are well worth it though, the ability to easily sketch line designs and sketch basic colours in is sooo nice.
i'm similar to hugo with how i use mine. 80-90% of any chop is done with the mouse for precision selecting etc, only when it comes to the "speedpaint effect" as i like to call it for reflections, or little details do i really use it. It's handy for pressure sensitivity with dodge and burn too. Definitely worth getting if you're serious about graphic design/chopping/whatever you do, otherwise i would advise you save your money do you don't buy something that will gather dust. They take a lot of getting used to.
Still need to buy one.. Though, working with the mouse works fine aswell.
Might consider buying one soon
Ain't so expensive if you go for the Wacom Bamboo Pen :)
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