The K in Tekå kinda looks like 3/4 of a swastika xD
Also, imo you should find another background texture, it looks kinda noobis cos it's reapeating so many times ;)
Apart from that, and from what the other guys said, dritcool work ;)
Thanks alot Marcel!
I find it great you took time to critisize my site.
Im making a new site aswespeak, cause im aiming for a professional look :)

Are you intrested in helping me mate?:)
Sure, no probs!

Btw: Here are some url to great web-tutorialsites: Including Psd --> Html/css Some are members area

I really learned a lot from these sites. some ways of working can be used in virtual tuning as well.
Quick example (about 10 minutes work)


Don't know what colors you like, so I kept it simple.
You guys should add each other on msn ;)
I don't do MSN. I'm way too old for that ;)


I know we should contact in another way.

Here's my e-mail adress: [email protected]
or send me a PM.
Post edited March 08, 2010 at 03:28:18 AM by Marcel
Welcome to 2010 :)
Skype? Msn? Email? Autemo-PM?

Nicklas - noticed the Autemo ad on links? :D
its good to see you removed dangeruss's toon, im sure you didnt mean it
but you must understand where im coming from ? :P
website is good, just seems abit basic atm
Yes, I did TK, props! ;)
Possible new header?
Gonna build all site design off this header :)
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