The quality of work and modifications on LD2's chop is much better, so my vote goes for him.
Germano gets my vote!

LD2 has better execution and realism imo but the plate text is never like that for real. Cheap and photo edited. And the wheels have no fender shadow!

Great chops both of you!
92% of the teenage population has moved on to rap. if you are part of the 8% that stayed with rock, put this in your profile
I vote for Germano
Germano 7 x 4 LD2 >.<
like it more, and as neither is perfect ill vote for it
Germano :B
LD2 designer got's my vote.
my vote goes ti ld2
:woot:my new chop:woot:

:woot:my last chop:woot:
I vote for Germano.

It has better atmosphere :D
thanks for the vots mans..!
I'm looser...

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