hugosilva wrote:
Hey Tebi, that civic looks fresh, it looks like a big improvement from the audi tt, yet i cant fully evaluate without seing the rest of the donor, i can spot the golf side, was the front brushed? or do you had a donor for the bumper aswell? as i see some bits from another civic bumper, like lip, foglights and grid on bumper, but yes you can say that the first audi is a very good example on how to do BAD copypast, the second looks more respectfull and tallented, it just shows more effort and you can spot it a mile away

As you said, fogs, grill and lip were taken from 3 diferents Civics. The bumper as itself was copypasted from another Civic but it was rebrushed and using the clooning tool I painted.
good job !!!!!!!!!!
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hugosilva wrote:
i feel like spitting on the monitor, but i cant do it cause i would have to clean it myself, and that would be messy.

This made me lol so hard ^ xD
Overall very good post though. I'd hope it'd highlight what good chopping is to more. And not just to decimate someone because of c+p.

well done hug :D
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thank you all for the posts, and thank andy, that is exactly what i intended with this post, to get people to understand that copypast is not bad when done properly, that there is very interesting ways of aproaching copy past
Been looking through the WTB entries. Looks like this post became extra relevant just now.
Artist formerly known as "Dev"
@ Bart, Sad but true, and people don't even bother watching the donors posted it seems...
Some men just want to watch the world doing burnouts... :P
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GReat work Hugo!! well played, now lets see what will come out of it ;) hopefully someone got the message ;)

sick! ... and LOL Brian !

>> My DeviantART <<
Reading this makes me want to brush everything. but it probally wont happen. Illl just make sure I do it right though.
Have no fear of perfection, You will never achieve it! [Salvador Dali]
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Ta2man wrote:
Reading this makes me want to brush everything. but it probally wont happen. Illl just make sure I do it right though.

There is no need to brush all

check this example,

the whole body is stock, just colour changed, and added bodykit and brushed and rebrushed the colour of the main body, to sort of colour code it, this was a technique a lot of people used before this full copypast hype, and to be honest the chops where really interesting back then with this technique, a shame we dont see it much anymore
Post edited June 03, 2013 at 02:34:53 PM by hugosilva
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