seats on front side must be darker...except what's toony i liked it :)

ps. sry on my english xD
thanks mate .. if i have time sometime ill try and fix them :)

>> My DeviantART <<
brushing is realy good,faults have been pointed out...

keep it up mate ;)
thanks mate :)

>> My DeviantART <<
This came out really nice. Know how much work you have put on it. Really nice :)

If we start with the design, I like where you have taken it. There isn't much done to the body, but what has been done really boosts it to the next level! Light, subtle yet extreme styling that would fit a lot of customers if it was a commercial kit. From the strettracer to the showcarbuilder. Also like how you have colorcoded the rims to the body, somewhat different color, and looks quite cool. My thought might be that there is a bit much red however, but as an idea it's really cool :) Not to fond of the covered headlights, had prefered some real ones, had made it look more real I think.

If we move over to execution I love the work done on the body! Really clean nice work, the colors blend smothly with one another and it looks really glossy even without tons of refs. Really cool. There are however some issues with this. The front lower part looks quite toony, this is primarily due to the lack of highlights and shadows, more presisely sharp shadows and highlights. There are also some smudge areas like on the sideskirt and some pieces of the roof. The rims also look a tad blurry, but really hard to sort it out so I think you did a great job anyways :)

Overall a great chop! Some pieces are really great, whilst others need some more work. Looking forward to your next chop though :)

thank you vey much mate ! thanks for the poinetrs :)

>> My DeviantART <<
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