dEst wrote:
Oh I think that you didnt understood me. Im not saying that you should force people to critique chops, I just noticed that mentality of local users is not so good.

no offence ;]

I understand what you're trying to achieve here, but you're going about it in the wrong way.
Firstly, saying 'no offence ;]', does not mean you can say something rude and get away with it.
Autemo is all for improvement, but the way you have gone about it, is not correct way.

Perhaps, when people do post these 'not so good' comments on your chops, you could ask them for more detail, or some sort of clarification on what they said.
Sure, no everyone will bother to reply, but I'm sure there will be a percentage of users who will.
There are certain users around the forums that insist on commenting on every topic they can find, not to provide any useful comment, but really to increase their post count. And there is nothing you can do about these users, they won't help you.

But for the users that do bother to reply, maybe you could seek out their chops and comment on them giving them some helpful advice in the way you said in your first post. That way, you build a friendship and they will (hopefully) comment back on your next chop.

It sounds a bit roses and lovebirds, but that's how it works.
You whinge and complain, nothing will happen.
You treat people nicely, and they will treat you the same way in return.
I have a theory on that short comment policy on these international forums.

Most of here are not native English speakers (although the most handle the language really well!). The thing that discourages them from writing a long, more thorough comment is that they probably won't be bothered to think it through to translate it into English. It's not a huge task I know, but personally I kinda have this "switch" between Finnish and English, a certain mentality to actually think in English. It's not as evident now that I've grown older but I still recognize it sometimes. I hope you know what I mean here. :D

On the Finnish forum I sometimes visit, the people there do write their thoughts about the works more thoroughly just as you described they do on the Polish forum. This is because they are all using their native language, thus making it easier to say what they have in mind without having to think about it "twice" and translating it. ;)
ollite20 wrote:
I have a theory on that short comment policy on these international forums.

Most of here are not native English speakers (although the most handle the language really well!). The thing that discourages them from writing a long, more thorough comment is that they probably won't be bothered to think it through to translate it into English. It's not a huge task I know, but personally I kinda have this "switch" between Finnish and English, a certain mentality to actually think in English. It's not as evident now that I've grown older but I still recognize it sometimes. I hope you know what I mean here. :D

On the Finnish forum I sometimes visit, the people there do write their thoughts about the works more thoroughly just as you described they do on the Polish forum. This is because they are all using their native language, thus making it easier to say what they have in mind without having to think about it "twice" and translating it. ;)

I agree. If you look at the people who are guilty of this "Good chop, no mistakes" business, I bet all of them aren't great at speaking and writing English. They probably find it difficult to express themselves and can't give the comments they want to give because of their English skills.

And then there are others that are just there to get up their post count :/
puszka321 wrote:
please video xD
MK211 wrote:
I really like the nos coming out of the rims
Zero wrote:
right polish choppers dont have there own tradition lol, i like how only the polish have replied to this thread so far :P
It's not just the Polish choppers. In all German vtuning-forums it's the same thing. Often postings that just say "great one!!1" even get deleted.
IronChop wrote:
I don't think we as administrators can or should force people to critique your chop differently
Well, you could do something. Maybe writing some rules. And if a person don't accept these rules you could simply delete the post. Would be a lot of work, but it could be worth a try.

However.. I can say for me that those very stupid comments do annoy me a lot and because of that I don't really wanna write comments any more, as I get the feeling that nobody really cares who writes what. At the beginning of autemo I wrote some detailed comments about what things I like and what I think could be done better. But as those 3-words-comments seem to get more and more I feel like I got in a kind of playground for kindergarten-kiddies.

I think there has to be something done from the mods. Better only 15 people stay who write good critiques, than 50 who need that stupid posting-counter getting bigger because they seem to have no penis.

In the German forums there is the rule that a posting has to be useful and not too short. But as a matter of fact nearly no times an admin or mod has to jump in and prevent spaming, as the rules are so accepted by every member, that if someone begins writing dumb stuff, everyone tells him that he should take more care.
I think everyone posting a new chop wants detailed critique and so he should give it, too. I guess that's why it works in the German forums.
But here, nobody seems to care. It's a bit like youtube. Regardless how nice a picture ("= video") might be, there are really just useless posts nobody wants to read.

I don't think that one should be proud of a great number of postings (like someone wrote on twitter) if maybe only 5% of them are no spam.
really just try to live with the way people reply :-d..
i mean afterall it's nice to see people still replying even though its only i like or great .....

i do agree with you and in a perfect world we all would help eitch other more ,
give more constructive comments , but some people might have way less time to spend on forums ..
to put it short it's just a case of hoping you get constructive comments witch you can use ..

algeroth is always here to really help xD :P :-d with his extended replyes (witch imo are great)

btw i do think some people shout advanced or pro to fast , just going from the lr pic posted and onlt care about the looks in general..
they did not look at the hr
some chops really need more finish and end quality imo
imo the design and finish is just as important as the looks and extremeness
but again something thats not my , your , our concern really...

what i always do is reply hounestly , try to help and never mean harm when pointing out stuff

but the last thing i would want to point out is this forum is actually pretty nice comment wise =O
also the active members posting and replying are pretty good
there are forums witch are way less on that stuff :-d
"T-G-Williams Designs" wrote:
Don't think that what you've said will not change peoples ways, because it will change some peoples comments from now on, and even if that is a small minority it is still a difference! :)

Well, I hope that just 10% of people wich are reading this theard will behave the same way. I am satisfied that, although one person have realized that.
"walla" wrote:
In the German forums there is the rule that a posting has to be useful and not too short.

same here, in Poland. ;)
"rich" wrote:
what i always do is reply hounestly , try to help and never mean harm when pointing out stuff
and that is the "howto" wich all of us should follow.

And I will repeat,

I would be very satisfied if people try to change their way to comment the chops. Ofcourse people whose 'english vocabulary' isn't so limited.

hope it will help to someone ;)
I have one problem with posting many mistakes in a chop:
If there are already three or four comments saying "Awsome chop", "Good work" and so on, I donĀ“t wanna be the one listing up the faults and saying the chop is crap.
So I always tell 1-3 faults I see and mention some good things (which almost every chop has), too.
I guess most of the choppers would accept criticism, but you never know if someone will think of you as an asshole who only wants to bring him down, especially when others have already posted very positive comments.
What you can say, for sure, is that comments that are no longer than 3 words are never useful.
You know you wanna click it!
i think thats true that why i always try to mention the good things and the faults... :-d
i can tell you on many occasions when i tried tb helpfull or point out mistakes and ... i got a friend request right after the reply
so that leads me to believe in most cases it's apriciated :-d
i always say as long as a comment is ment positive (mine always are) its all good..
it's like i just cant be like saying great chop when i see or think certain things would have made a chop better
for me personally pointing out stuff is always ment enthousiastic to try and help the person see stuff witch on the next chop could help him avvoid stuff like that

my personal way of vieuwing a chop is like i pay attention to finish and quality .. design is also very important but for me it's 50/50 design and execution are as important
It's subjective for me really, everybody has raised valid points such as the fact that a lot of users on here are limited language-wise. That's something that no matter how hard you try or how ever many threads you make you will not be able to overcome. People won't learn to speak English better or keep on using a translator just to bulk out their posts more because it's just too much hassle. Plus, a lot of people in here who have been saying there should be a high worded post rule, that won't work on an international forum for the reasons i just stated above. It's ok on your local forums where everybody speaks their own language. The only thing we can do is offer incentives to people who write decent comments as opposed to penalising people with crap ones. As we have already noticed with Algeroth who i literally cannot fault with his comments, he will reap the benefits later on in the forum, you can rest assured. We're not running a crackdown on here where you have to adhere to every tiny rule or you get slapped with the banstick, it's a public community with IMO some of the best people I've ever been on a forum with. I get on with everybody here and thus far, we've had no major issues. That's the way it's gunna stay I'm afraid. Other forums have gone downhill in the past (Rich can vouch for that) because of silly little rules being put in place that are difficult to follow and give the impression that people are idiots which ultimately causes arguments and threads about people leaving and not coming back yadayadayada.
agreed fully ^^

and i want to add i absolutly love the fact we have people from all over the globe here !!!!!!

i mean isnt that fantastic ??

seeing all those countrys by the usernames just makes it so much more fun

really special imo

and like recently did myself , if somebody doenst understand i try to simplify my reply
just because it's awsome to do

i never did my homework from english class back in the day an always got straight a's or a 9
i just understand english very well , the fun thing is i never speak english only write it ...
i know my words / sentences are not perfect but i think i'm doing a very decent job :D :P xD

i would never judge people not knowing english , i do think if you register on a english speaking forum you should try to get the basic's learned a bit .. just for your own benefit and making sure you can communicate with other people

but in the end believe me, this is one of the most friendly chop forums out there with the biggest difference in members from all sorts of country's

atm i really love autemo

i also realize it can fall in the future , not only happened with forums i have had so many cool things in life that after a few years got worse
i just hope it does not happen to this place
Post edited December 07, 2009 at 04:25:03 AM by rich
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