thanks for the comments of all the rims of which I picked, they look better than anyone, so I chose them, but the car originally wanted to do a different style
seat is toony, stickers lack a bit of depth, door is missing shadow, huge amount of jagged lines and the doorpanel seems bit lowres
otherwise it is looking pretty nice though,i like the styling and selection of parts for it :P
keep it up
Pro tuner!
Wowowowow this looks insane! Great details and extreme overhaul.
Some jaggies but meh!
very very stylish, I like it.


There're jaggies on the rear bump, vinyl is flat, idea with the lights is great but execution is not so good. Also perspective of rear bump is a lil bit off. Oh and I think that the mirror should be visible on this angle ;]

Overally, nice chop, but you should put more attention on details.

cheers :-d
looks good, maybe a bit of noise on the seat would make it look less toony and yeah a mirror would be good :-d
BadBlood wrote:
ill have to disagree with Closed 24-7 , i rekon the wheel is perfect , but thats just my opinion
I agree to BadBlood . I think those wheels are more than perfect and very awesome.

Generally I like this chop a lot. In regard of that ugly base you did a great job. Especially the door is awesome and looks very real.

Nice. :)
thanks for the good comments, I will try to perform better! :-d
I like it very much.. for me you are pro tuner ;)
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