Well, I'm looking forward to christmas. Having our traditional wine punch with some friends outside at lunchtime. And hope it's very cold outside because than it's original only ;)
Later having a big party with my girlfriend, her family and mine at our apartment with good dinner and good vine etc.
This year christmas is special because it represents the end of a hard year at our advertising agency – only word I say is finance crisis... but at least we made it and it became better in the middle of summer. So 2010 will be great with many new customers we could find.
You see, christmas for me isn't the birth of jesus but a very good time to reflect what's happened this year.
How sentimental... :D ... well, all the best wishes to all of you for christmas.
Nicklas wrote:
No-one, (here in Denmark at least) really celebrates Christmas to celebrate the birth of Christ. It's just more of a tradition. Speaking of the birth of Christ, I read an amazing article in History (a mag I read) today. It has many good points. I should either translate it, or see if I can find something about it on the Internets.

The thing is, I'm christian and no where in the bible is stated that Jesus was born on December 25. Yeh it would be nice to see people point of view about the subject ;)
I do not celebrate christmas, i am not christian; that is the reason. Even though i don't, i still respect the tradition as i live in Australia and Christmas is celebrated largely. But for Christmas our family goes south of where i live (about 2 hours) the beaches are great, the weather is amazing (gets to 40 degrees C) and the air is cleaner xD
Christmas is not even christian, that's the funny part xD
yeah, it is cool, especially when you was smaller, it was one of the highlights of the year :P
Is it just me or do others feel Christmas has kinda lost the majority of its religious connotations that it used to have. It's a bit of just a materialistic/commercialised holiday i feel nowadays.. But thats ok by me tbh, xmas is still great even if ppl dont necessarily add value to the religious aspect of it. The beauty of it is it gives us a chance to give gifts to our loved ones, appreciate them, and all get together and enjoy the festivities n celebrate the year.. besides any reason to celebrate with friends n family is always a good one :D
About Christ being born on the 25th, I read in the article I mentioned earlier, that it was weird that farmers were sleeping on the field in the middle of the night, in December. At other points in the Bible it says that it was very cold and rainy in December :P
Nicklas you drank too much Kult, your talking p00 :P

Christmas for me is mostly eating shitloads of stuff because my dad likes food overkill.
Presents I kinda buy for myself (define present to my parents) I get something random and practical wich I needed most of the times.

Thats all :/
wake up .. open preasents .. have some cans ( beer ) .. keeping preasants etc .. out with my mates to have more cans ...and more cans.. party maybe and nothing more lol

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