For me, personally- I am not keen on the wheel choice. I would have gone for something more, VIP?;). And with the color and bumper strips, i'd say leave them. Color is good- black would ruin it I think, and the bump strips just make the car what it is. Take them away, it's totally bare.. But hey, each to their own, and if this is how you like it- that's good enough for me :D.
I prefer engine oil and overalls to nail polish and fashion any day♥
but people do miss the point of this car its for the event (garbagerun) and needs to be low-budget
so i already understood the rims lying around and the rest needs to cost almost nothing
pipo de clown wrote:
Hello Everyone,

I'm competing in the Dutch Carbagerun. This is a tour through all of Europe in a car that may cost +- €500. There are over 550 cars in the carbagerun and the're all going to be pimped.

I'm driving with two friends in an Lexus LS400 that we found on the internet for €700
The airsuspension had a leak so that was the reason it was so cheap :P

but if you guys have some Ideas how to pimp it without to much costs, let me know!

car does hang backwards now that looks a bit weird :P

def will be one of the best garbadge cars in the tour lol :P
nice wheels
we need to bring the car back up to stock ride height cause otherwise our rear fenders are eating our back tires.

and rich is right, the carbagerun is a tour accross Europe in a car that can't cost to much. So the wheel choice was a lucky shot cause we had those lying arround at my work and they only costed me 100 euro.

So it will probably stay this color cause our plastidip sponsor didn't want to sponsor us after all :(
The car is almost completed! tinted the windows, placed the stickers (bullet holes and our team logo) here are a few pics:


On the Dyno:

What a power does it got!!

Greetz Kevin
great :mrteeth:
i heard you had some air issues on that suspension ?
saw a nother thread on a suzuki forum with a guy and a yellow / range baleno estate who is also driving the garbage run :mrteeth:
Yup we've bought it with a leak in the airbag on the left rear side but we were able to buy another used one and now it works perfectly!

There is a baleno entering to indeed pretty cool car that is!

Greetz Kevin
Time to update this a little bit..
Still got the car and last summer we drove the carbagerun with this car again!

Completely changed the look of this car for this year.
Plastidipped the car with green and got a roofbox for free! The roofbox wasn't used for storage but only for audio! We had the loudest music of all 500 carbagerun cars! :D

Put on a bullbar and modified the air suspension system.
Also different rims, 19" instead of 20" so it could go lower! :-d

Here it is:

The strangest looking Lexus LS " in the World" ? :P

Greetz Kevin
lol hahah and yes it is :)

Thanks Rich, car is gonna be completely different next year!

Gonna paint it white and we're gonna use permanent markers to give it a skull theme all over the side and hood!
oh and different rims!
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